I have a web site for crowdsale (no uniswap at moment, maybe go to bounce.finance): FundFutureAI.com . A quick glimpse you know how bad it is.
If you are good at writing essay/academic articles, that would be more help because I need to publish my research too. I could give you tokens in advance, or ethereum / real money base on agreement.
There are plus if you meet:
(1) speak chinese (I will write my paper in Chinese and briefing in English)
(2) live in Toronto
(3) programmer
(4) know AI. In case you are an AI scientist of the tech giants, let me know, probably add you as the second author。
I hope 2 or 3 helpers would be best.
Please contact: jason_9889 [at] yahoo [dut] com OR forum message, OR reply this thread
Thanks a lot. All best.