I tried a few times to create a p2pool I think I'm missing something. So I'm trying to create a p2pool for prime-xi and get stuck at the end when i open the screen nothings happening and its asking for ./darkcoin/darkcoin.conf But I have ./primexi/primexi.conf.
after installing primexid;
git clone
https://bitbucket.org/dstorm/p2pool-drksudo apt-get install python-zope.interface python-twisted python-twisted-web
sudo apt-get install python-argparse
git clone
https://github.com/chaeplin/xcoin-hashcd xcoin-hash
rm -rf build
sudo python setup.py install
cd ~/p2pool-drk/darkcoin-subsidy-python
sudo python setup.py install
cd ~
nano dark_p2pool.sh
screen -d -m -S drkp2pool ~/p2pool-drk/run_p2pool.py --net primexi --address PRIMEXIADDRESS --give-author 0.5 --fee 0.5 rpcadmin supersecretpassword
sudo chmod +x dark_p2pool.sh
screen -x drkp2pool
Any help?
I can pay BTC 0.05 only if we pm our conversations.