I did ask in CGMINER but it was removed and since I am new here I guess this is the next best place to
pst the help I need:
Reading up on solo mining and I am just curious about the syntax
cgminer put in arguments then username password
If I am doing this on a windows box then does any username and password work?
Or do I have to go into user account and create a account example BOB and give BOB account a password or
does cgminer not look at that and uses its own http authentication and just use any username and password on the fly?
I did glance over the proper syntax but no idea at all on username and password.
cgminer -o
http://localhost:8332 -u username -p password --btc-address 15qSxP1SQcUX3o4nhkfdbgyoWEFMomJ4rZ
So can I keep it as localhost or change it to (in the windows world it should be the same no?
Does CGMINER use windows authentication? If so then I must create a new account
So far I think the following is correct:
cgminer -o
http://localhost:8332 -u default -p password1 --btc-address 33-put my address here-ozSsU