Collateral: My account (If needed)
Term Length: 2 Week or sooner
Interest: 10%
Bitcoin Address:1EUYg7vLxjM8dS3xacQyqjyXUDpaVdSBJd
Amount to Repay: 0.055BTC
I would fulfill this using your account as collateral.
Yes, i will give you my account as collateral
I'm in possession of the collateral. Loan fulfilled,
Repayment of 0.055 must be made to 13gurYbWYghihPwMp83xYg163J2D2Q8SYa on or before August 7th, 2015 - 01:26 server time or the collateral will be liquidated.
Loan repaid, collateral released.
Thanks for the smooth transaction
Confirmed and i have receive my account back thank you for the loan