Amount required: 0.025 btc
Repayment Amount : 0.030 btc
Repayment Date : 08th June 2017
Bitcoin Address: 15FRpmpqeFmSoknRMHLo88PboR2utvbz4k
Collateral :
1. verified Paypal Account: 3 Years old
2. Verified Adsense Account: 2 Years Old (Currently have 12$)
What do you think will others do with a verified PayPal, aside from scams? That collateral is worthless to most people and even if we do find a buyer, in case you default, the value of that collateral are not near the loan amount you are asking. The same goes for adsense accounts.
Oh btw, all of those are easily obtained if you are a legitimate person anyway.
As it seems my friend, the last thing that is Op, is to be a legitimate person.
Same old, nothing new...