I agree with Anixs here, this doesn't make any sense to me. You are not looking for a partner, you are looking for a client to profit off. I would happily sell my BTC for a 20% profit on all of the money I move. Quick-tip though, I've seen people make arrangements like this in the past and after thousands of dollars in transactions over about 3-months there is usually a heavy charge-back list that gets initiated. I would suggest against doing this because you are likely to be taken for a ride and then be held responsible for the bill once your "partner" claims to Paypal that these transactions were unauthorized.
The word "Partner" sort of implies that there is a mutually beneficial relationship. To what benefit is your partner receiving by paying you 20% extra on $100's daily? You're looking for something that doesn't exist, or you're seeking a fool. I'll give you -20% Preev rate Paypal for your BTC, let me know if that's something you're interested in. Sounds like a good partnership, to me.