I'm looking for 300$ non-collateral loan in USDT not BTC or other alts.
I'm willing to pay 0.2% daily interest.
I intend to pay back by a week. But if something goes wrong, I'll payback by the 1st week of April.
Sign: H5h4sh+H+OtIpvhboQCB4n2VSTGuxqJU13+fwJFH1GU8d639f1dTgklXyG0Z1s7d1S1+XxkqCnPC2GFAD5oznGA=
Please send the funds to 0x50bbf6b000b6b578b38c46f5fe2e077cc502fd51
Youre going to need valid collateral that is 120% of what youre wanting to borrow. Getting a non-collateral loan without previous history of borrowing or a good amount of trust is going to be near impossible (unless you catch someone on a good day and want to take the risk). Especially with the statement that if something goes wrong you will pay by the first week of April, what if something goes wrong and you cannot pay it back by then? That will then end up being stretched out and likely leading you to default on the loan and you receiving a negative trust and the lender being out of $300.