My seed is correct 100%. No 2fa. I can't really import my old wallet. And when Im typing my bitcoin address instead that's the time NEXT button will be enabled.
Typing bitcoin address? There's no field for bitcoin address on Seed restoring. Looks like you hit the wrong directory of instead of choosing "Standard Wallet" , you choose "Import Bitcoin Address" or something term like that.
You must hit "Standard Wallet" then choose "I Have a Seed" and that's it. Or if my term is incorrect you can basically follow it based on my statement. Then wait for it to synchronized. Although Im not sure if the "Label" will also be restored but it doesn't matter after all as you can reviewed your Labeling on your old electrum wallet as it's not yet uninstalled on your old PC.
Oh there's already a reply within a sec of my post. Yes that is also my view and OP may hit the wrong option.