the Alibaba staff are very helpful they will write on the customs forms usually whatever you want to limit your customs charges as best as possible. Your order limits are buying 10 and then buying 5000 a month, so this particular seller has set themselves up as a supplier/distributor. Have you found this anywhere else on Alibaba or even better on Aliexpress. Most of the companies on Alibaba does not use an escrow system, they want you to western union them a bunch of money and hope they will send you what you paid for. I like the sister site of Alibaba called Ali Express. they have an escrow system that if the seller does not send the product you can deny payment. then your payment will be returned to your Ali-express wallet to be used with another supplier.
Either way it does not matter to me, what is it you want me to do. You want me to order the product and have it shipped here to me, then change the forms and things and ship it to you like as a gift or something to avoid Customs charges thinking your a re-seller of this product? Where I am from if you list it as a donation it usually does not incurr any Customs duties or fees. that may be an idea for you With the product being clothes this fit right in and not seem any different than a donation gift.