Sometimes there are also different factors such as a problem in’s server or the transaction has not reached the node. If this occurs, please use another block explorer site such as:
Copy your transaction hash (only the hashing number, not the entire URL) on the search box provided by those block explorers. You may also search your transaction by pasting down your Bitcoin address.
Did you even bother to read what Op posted before you made this post? Because this is not in anyway related to what he is facing currently.
I have read cases like this before and I think if you search further, you might see something on it but the case I read was in the case of wallet providers who have access to their own private but in this case of Coinbase, I doubt the ability to make that happen because the keys to the account, they are the only ones to provide it. Kindly get to their website and see their explanation concerning situations like this and how to go about it.