
Topic: Need your advice and ideas for making money online and get out of a hellhole (Read 215 times)

sr. member
Activity: 2618
Merit: 439
. There are some people claiming they would get about 8k Euros to get me exempted from that military service, but I don't know how trustworthy they are.
since you are considering this one ,meaning you can provide that 8k euro just to be saved in 2 years military service?
anyway whatever you say wont help you as well because admit it or not,you have noi other option but to hear what advises you got here mate.and believe me this is not an easy thing for us as well.
jr. member
Activity: 417
Merit: 2

Wanna make money online? Wanna get a better life? Stop playing the victim and fight for what you want!

Iran is fuked up. Ok man. Everywhere else outside a few countries in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan and southeast asia are fuked as well.

I live in Brazil and we have the same situation you describe.

So, what do you want? Education, right?
Go and study on your own. You can study in the internet. learn to code, whatever...

Bounties, scamming people by creating your own shittoken... that's not going to solve your life problems.
You have to learn and really study a lot to be able to make something valuable. That's the only way, there are no shotcuts in life.

I love the power from this message here. made my day,.

no other way but to face reality and face thy problems in life, no excuses , no blaming, just do what you got to do to get yourself there. Everyone has their own struggles, some just dreams and some take actions to reach their dreams. So you gotta choose.

full member
Activity: 961
Merit: 110
That's a really tough situation. People can safely give you advice from the other side of the world, but if it's wrong advice and you get in trouble, you are the one who will suffer, not them. You want to work online and be paid in crypto. Have you ever thought of crypto investing? Like buying a new undervalued cryptocurrency with a good future and a strong team, that is not listed on any major crypto exchange and waiting for it's price to pump before selling it? It is very risky if you're a beginner and don't know what you're doing, but if you take some time to read and learn, and not invest too much, it might pay off for you. You would of course need to connect to a decentralized crypto exchange through a VPN because most exchanges probably don't allow users from Iran. But you have to be very very very careful because there are many scammers out there, and you could lose all your investment if you buy into the wrong alt coin.

OR you can just create a gofundme account and ask people to donate money to help you start a new and better life.
Activity: 210
Merit: 13
Can you go start into a political career? There is money in politics.
TL;DR: I need to make a few thousand dollars/euros to save my life from "living" in a toxic environment. I have thought of doing multiple small jobs found in subreddits and here, but I won't make enough money doing them. I've thought about almost everything, from "inventing" a new cryptocurrency to even asking advice from the dark/deep web guys, or making an online platform, maybe a casino or a betting website or anything... but I don't know what exactly would bring me success.  Huh
What are your ideas to make money online and in cryptos from Iran anonymously?
I'm 25M and I've always wanted out of Iran since at least 2008, but I couldn't do anything then because my family was poor and I was too small and my parents were so worried about me.

Now that I'm right at the middle of my 20's, I look back and see that I've just wasted my life so far being forced in a toxic environment, no good universities and education, no job, no money, no professional skills, no relationships, no fun, no parties, lived like an isolated old man in his late 80's. There's terrible compulsory military service for two years of slavery awaiting me if I continue to stay here. You can read the following to learn a little more about the conditions.

Seriously there's no future for me in this country. The environmental situation around me is so complicated to explain because probably you can't imagine it by a short post like this. Someone once said he was wondering how I can focus on my life with all the unrest, international isolation, sanctions, failing economy and everything putting pressure on me.

Once I was looking to get a student's visa to Germany, but now I realize that I can't finance myself there... and EUR has gotten extremely expensive for us. My German friends also think that being able to self-finance myself in Germany would be very difficult, if not impossible. Also, scholarships for undergrads are very rare and it's almost impossible for me to get one. They are mostly for Ph.D. students or people with a German visa.

So I'm left alone asking myself if it would be helpful to email a bunch of universities or professors in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, etc and ask them for a favor... or even publications or newspapers and magazines in order that they would bring me out for a possible job.

I have a friend in Germany but it's very difficult even to get a tourist's visa, as it's very difficult with other types of visa. Currently, you have to wait for more than a year and a half just for the embassy's waiting list (for studying in Germany).

I've looked a lot to find a job and make money enough when converted to EUR, but every time I ended up disappointed and hopeless. As an Iranian, I can't even have PayPal so the only way for me to get paid online would be by using cryptocurrencies which would bring their own unique problems if I'd ever find a job paying with that.

Some say to marry an EU citizen, but I don't know how I can find someone genuine on the internet who would be willing to have an LDR with a poor guy in Iran and to finally get married.

So you see, it looks like I'm surrounded everywhere by deadends. I can't bear "living" in this country anymore...

Do you have any advice for me? Any input would be much appreciated.
Activity: 147
Merit: 38
Iranian friend, I live a situation similar to yours, the difference is that there is no mandatory service, in Venezuela the average salary is 5 usd, and expenses are greater than 200 or 300 usd, basically here the great majority is poor, except those who have family members who have migrated and are lucky to have documents to obtain legal jobs, I have 2 years waiting for a passport and nothing, I am in another illegal country I go wrong and return to Venezuela, I plan to learn algorithms, and then programming, I do not know if data science or whatever, but first is to create value.

Activity: 6
Merit: 0
Now that I'm right at the middle of my 20's, I look back and see that I've just wasted my life so far being forced in a toxic environment, no good universities and education, no job, no money, no professional skills, no relationships, no fun, no parties, lived like an isolated old man in his late 80's. There's terrible compulsory military service for two years of slavery awaiting me if I continue to stay here. You can read the following to learn a little more about the conditions.

I live in Brazil and we have the same situation you describe.

It depends on what part of the country you live in, man.
Here in Sao Paulo things are relatively competitive, but at 25 USD a day you live in a comfortable way.
Our salary basis is $ 100 per week, equivalent to $ 400.

I'd recommend you study the possibility of living in Latin America, man. The cost of living compared to other countries is lower compared to the price of coins, and is similar to any part of the world. From Europe to Central America.

I am also in a similar position to you, my Iranian friend. But I'm looking for a method of earning at least 25 USD a day for a better life.

I loved this place. I will adhere to my custom. It's good to talk.
jr. member
Activity: 56
Merit: 7
I'll give you some ideas, but first it's important to have the right mentality. Don't chase the money. Focus on creating value. Become valuable. Develop skills. Solve problems. Create things.

When you create value for others money will follow.

Check out (you can get paid by creating brand/company names)

Other ideas: search in youtube "digital nomad" and "how to become a freelancer".

Life is a fight. Wherever you are. It's not easy for anyone. People with money have other problems. And people in develop countries have others. And so on.

sr. member
Activity: 1175
Merit: 275
Kindly accept my sympathy about your situation in your country. Always say good thing about your country because some third world countries are worse than your country by multiplications of numbers.

The ideas you mentioned so far are good ranging from creating a casino website to marrying a foreigner but they are not the best in terms of time and cost.

What you currently need is a stable income though it might not be much but enough to put food on your table while the lasting solutions are been worked upon, also know that you cannot get rich working alone, you will need crowd (Pm me for more details)

I also discovered that you did not mention anything about investing in your country businesses like real estate, oil & gas etc, you can save enough money to dabble into such business.

Online businesses ideas :
Create a faucet
pay per download
pay per install - a cryptobased microtask platform

Activity: 2030
Merit: 1189
Based on your grammar skills alone, you could probably make a decent living writing articles as a side gig. You probably won't be able to European rates, but you'll certainly be able to earn at least $20 per 1,000 words.

Also, you could check out

The pay often isn't great, but you do get some gems some times. I know a couple guys who pretty much freelance on that subreddit and earn a decent living for a third world country.

Iran sucks, best of luck getting out.
jr. member
Activity: 39
Merit: 5
I feel yer pain dude, but how does complaining about it cure anything?  You have to take action, preferably of the carefully considered rational variety.  Are you in the city? In a rural area?  Can you get to a rural area?  Do you have any relatives in a rural area?  You've lived 1/4 of a century already so you obviously have enough revenue to support your eating habit, so that's _something_, however humble, to get started with.

I agree that paying 8K to some scammer to get you released from military service sounds like a bad idea, so I'd suggest not doing that.  In fact, military service is probably a pretty good choice in your circumstances.  Spend two years learning to bust ass and help defend your country is not the worst possible use of your time.  What does the army do with ex-soldiers?  Abandon them at the bus station?  Surely there's _some_ system of helping you integrate into society.  Also being a member in good standing of the informal network of former soldiers would probably be very useful for you.
Activity: 17
Merit: 5
Thank you, but... well, you have absolutely no idea of the crippling situation here, because you're not in my shoes and have never lived in a terrible country such as here. Iran is just a little better than Syria and North Korea.
There's a compulsory military service here which would waste 2 years of my life being a slave to them without even paying a dime. There are some people claiming they would get about 8k Euros to get me exempted from that military service, but I don't know how trustworthy they are. That's a hell lot of money.
Yes, even a billionaire in his luxurious palace has his own problems. But does that mean his life is the same as the life of a poor man in a ghetto in a shithole country?
jr. member
Activity: 39
Merit: 5
Hello Ronin,

I sympathize with your situation and I'd like to weigh in with a few thoughts on the matter.  When I was your age, about 30 years ago, I was in a similar situation.  The world is just a fucked up place no matter where you go and learning how to live in it is difficult.  However, I have some of this figured out so I'd like to share some tips.

1. Whatever your situation is _right now_, just hunker down and learn to tolerate it. Unless you're on fire or drowning _right now_ you don't need to just jump.  Take your time to start thinking about your situation and how to best manage it.

2. Forget about any _get rich quick_ scheme.  There's no such thing.  You _might_ just get real lucky someday, but that's a matter of random chance not personal action.  Anything that purports to be get-rich-quick is at best just a stupid idea, or at worst is a scam.

3. Forget about making your money on the Internet.  The Internet is completely permeated with bullshit and almost nobody is actually making money playing with it.

4. Forget about going to another country.  They are all fucked up and you're just jumping from one sinking ship to the next.  Do the best with what you have now.

5. Going to "school", especially in Europe is a doomed idea.  It merely delays the inevitable.  During your time in school you can fool yourself into thinking you're taking positive action, but you're just wasting your time.  Eventually, school comes to an end, and then what?  You'll still have the original problem of how to live in an insane world but have wasted a few of your irreplaceable years only to discover the true "value" of the "education"  you've received.

6. Man up and learn to face the harsh truths of life.  Women don't want poor men with such uncertain future.  I experienced that myself at your age and millions of other young men all over the world face the same problem.  Deal with it.  How to get women, and whether or not you even want one, is a worthy topic for another conversation.  Before you do that, look up "red pill dating" on youtube.  As a life-boat into Europe, especially avoid this.  European women in today's world are almost 100% toxic and crazy.  You don't need that.

Ok... now that the doom is out of the way, let's consider some positive steps.

1. The absolutely most useful thing you can learn, IMHO, is "general business management."  Think about doing _any_ kind of business on a very small scale.  Some example skills that you can easily learn:

1A.  Learn to think like an entrepreneur.  Everybody you see has things that they want and need.  They also have assets and things they can do or make.  How can you move these things between people and take your cut?  Most people have no clue about this.  An entrepreneur sees 1000 examples of this everywhere he goes.

1B. Learn how to do double-entry bookkeeping.  Even a child with the handful of coins that he's found in his short life has assets.  He likes to buy thing so he has expenses.  If he starts thinking about this at all, he quickly realizes he can harvest money from his mother's purse, so now he has revenue.  Double-entry bookkeeping is a method of organizing this information so that we can understand the finances of our operation and thus make _better decisions_ about it.  This is the foundation for subsequent financial analysis. 

1C. Even on a very small scale, you have to make a profit.  Your revenue should be higher than your expenses.  Is it?  That's the beginning of financial analysis and you can't even know this unless you have bookkeeping records.  After you do this for a while, your pile of money starts to grow.  You can then start thinking about a rate-of-return on your invested capital.  That's more financial analysis.  Some projects are dogs and have a very low (or even negative) rate of return.  Get rid of them.  Some projects have a better rate of return.  Feed them and let them grow bigger.  This is all financial analysis.

2. When you start seeing the world through the pov of an entrepreneur, it really does start looking like a money tree.  Bookkeeping and financial analysis is the beginning toolkit you need to measure your actions and make non-emotional decisions about them.

3. Evaluate get-rich-fast schemes using financial analysis.  You'll invariably find that they are sucker deals.

So apply this advice to a practical example:

Can you find _any_ land that you can use?  Let's say 1000 m2. Will any family or friends just let you use some land for free?  How much would it cost to buy or lease this land?

Next, start thinking like a farmer.  The purpose of this land is to grow valuable things.  What can you do to foster this process?  If you do nothing, even weeds still grow.  That's not real valuable, but it's more than zero because you use this to feed other animals.  Perhaps a goat or some geese will eat it.  But there are 1000 other things you can do with land to build a better and more profitable farm.  Don't look at ignorant and barefoot farmers living in mud as role models.  They are clueless.  There are plenty of examples of intelligent and prosperous farmers who _understand_ the chemistry, biology, physics, economics, and politics of farming.  This is how you can gain a foothold in the world and begin the slow crawl up the mountain.

One last bit of advice about women... Imagine trying to catch a cat by chasing cats.  Good luck with that! Even if you get lucky and corner one, you'll just have a miserable time while they scratch out your eyes. Instead, ignore the cats.  Do your own thing.  Doing so will most likely give rise to a situation that cats enjoy.  Eventually, the cats become curious and come to you.  Soon you'll have so many cats that they become a nuisance! :-)

Good luck with your search for prosperity in an insane world.

hero member
Activity: 1008
Merit: 531
There's a lot of ways out of your situation, although they are going to require huge amounts of manpower and work, especially since you have basically wasted your life before 25 years (no offense).

These a lot of ways to learn things with a simple internet connection, I have friends that have learned how to code really well just off youtube and articles - if you think this is something interested, go down that path, as web development is a pretty popular and well paid job, even if you are remote.

That's the only job that I can think off that doesn't involve some form of dodginess unfortunately.
Activity: 2352
Merit: 6089
Now that I'm right at the middle of my 20's, I look back and see that I've just wasted my life so far being forced in a toxic environment, no good universities and education, no job, no money, no professional skills, no relationships, no fun, no parties, lived like an isolated old man in his late 80's. There's terrible compulsory military service for two years of slavery awaiting me if I continue to stay here. You can read the following to learn a little more about the conditions.

Wanna make money online? Wanna get a better life? Stop playing the victim and fight for what you want!

Iran is fuked up. Ok man. Everywhere else outside a few countries in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan and southeast asia are fuked as well.

I live in Brazil and we have the same situation you describe.

So, what do you want? Education, right?
Go and study on your own. You can study in the internet. learn to code, whatever...

I've thought about almost everything, from "inventing" a new cryptocurrency to even asking advice from the dark/deep web guys, or making an online platform, maybe a casino or a betting website or anything... but I don't know what exactly would bring me success.  Huh
What are your ideas to make money online and in cryptos from Iran anonymously?

Bounties, scamming people by creating your own shittoken... that's not going to solve your life problems.
You have to learn and really study a lot to be able to make something valuable. That's the only way, there are no shotcuts in life.

What do you expect here? Someone to say "ah, just follow this guide, create your own crypto, pre mine 100000000000 and sell each for a thousand dollars"
Activity: 17
Merit: 5
TL;DR: I need to make a few thousand dollars/euros to save my life from "living" in a toxic environment. I have thought of doing multiple small jobs found in subreddits and here, but I won't make enough money doing them. I've thought about almost everything, from "inventing" a new cryptocurrency to even asking advice from the dark/deep web guys, or making an online platform, maybe a casino or a betting website or anything... but I don't know what exactly would bring me success.  Huh
What are your ideas to make money online and in cryptos from Iran anonymously?
I'm 25M and I've always wanted out of Iran since at least 2008, but I couldn't do anything then because my family was poor and I was too small and my parents were so worried about me.

Now that I'm right at the middle of my 20's, I look back and see that I've just wasted my life so far being forced in a toxic environment, no good universities and education, no job, no money, no professional skills, no relationships, no fun, no parties, lived like an isolated old man in his late 80's. There's terrible compulsory military service for two years of slavery awaiting me if I continue to stay here. You can read the following to learn a little more about the conditions.

Seriously there's no future for me in this country. The environmental situation around me is so complicated to explain because probably you can't imagine it by a short post like this. Someone once said he was wondering how I can focus on my life with all the unrest, international isolation, sanctions, failing economy and everything putting pressure on me.

Once I was looking to get a student's visa to Germany, but now I realize that I can't finance myself there... and EUR has gotten extremely expensive for us. My German friends also think that being able to self-finance myself in Germany would be very difficult, if not impossible. Also, scholarships for undergrads are very rare and it's almost impossible for me to get one. They are mostly for Ph.D. students or people with a German visa.

So I'm left alone asking myself if it would be helpful to email a bunch of universities or professors in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, etc and ask them for a favor... or even publications or newspapers and magazines in order that they would bring me out for a possible job.

I have a friend in Germany but it's very difficult even to get a tourist's visa, as it's very difficult with other types of visa. Currently, you have to wait for more than a year and a half just for the embassy's waiting list (for studying in Germany).

I've looked a lot to find a job and make money enough when converted to EUR, but every time I ended up disappointed and hopeless. As an Iranian, I can't even have PayPal so the only way for me to get paid online would be by using cryptocurrencies which would bring their own unique problems if I'd ever find a job paying with that.

Some say to marry an EU citizen, but I don't know how I can find someone genuine on the internet who would be willing to have an LDR with a poor guy in Iran and to finally get married.

So you see, it looks like I'm surrounded everywhere by deadends. I can't bear "living" in this country anymore...

Do you have any advice for me? Any input would be much appreciated.
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