Over the last few years, a lot of experience has built up in the Bitcoin community regarding security practices.
One particular aspect is the security of Bitcoin Services (e.g. exchanges, wallets, stock exchanges, and any site that has bitcoins flowing through it / stores users' Bitcoins for a long time).
In order to benefit anyone that builds a similar security-critical website, I think it's essential we create some best practices focused in one centralized place, specifically targeted as service developers and operators (
Securing your wallet is good for users, but doesn't say help too much to Bitcoin service operators).
I suggest we as a community pull our knowledge and create a similar resource that discusses building secure Bitcoin services.
Can any of the members who were involved in securing Bitcoin services step forward and create such a wiki entry with their knowledge?
(Or post your experience here if you're more comfortable with the forum than the wiki, we'll organize it into a coherent wiki entry)
P.S. if you're in good contact with operators of Bitcoin services, feel free to forward this to them.