The butchering part, could possibly be my being tired of calling out those like you.
I meant what I said about the "correction" meaning your intentions. I'm just calling it as it is. You came here asking for that specific neg to be removed. Now by saying, "you forgot about that one"? Throws even more red flags your way. A-you bought that account and thought because of your request it would be removed? B-insulting the intelligence of those in this forum
Don't know - don't care You attempted to scam and nothing else to be said on that. IF you read my post history, I'm never removing any negative feedback I leave, there is a reason for it. I will do the research necessary to warn others, adding the read and let them make their own decisions.
Lastly, I could careless about anyone, including you, posting anything "retaliatory" against me. People can
I'm done with this thread, I've said my piece.