
Topic: NEM (XEM) Official Thread - 100% New Code - Easy To Use APIs - page 415. (Read 2985369 times)

full member
Activity: 242
Merit: 102
DIMCOIN, the Future of Equity on Blockchain, Proudly Announces ICO

"The DIM-COIN has a quantity commitment of 9 billion coins with the initial price starting at $0.01."

Good to see another NEM based ICO but an initial valuation of 90 million seems way too high. I haven't gone through the entire white paper but hard to justify that price IMO.

You are right, it is way too expensive!
Ecobit is even more expensive, it makes no sense at all.
ICO is not for collecting money to start a project anymore,
it is just for take the money from people who have no idea.
Status is also a good example for that!

0.01USD is expensive? I wonder what's cheap for you.

I haven't gone through the whitepaper too but this is a good start for NEM. NEM platform is already mature enough for some tokens to be created on its chain. We're all waiting for all these to happen.

Man, you have to keep the market cap in mind!
DIM has 9 billion Coins, with this price the market cap would be round about 90 million $!
Do you think DIM is 90 million worth right now!?
Then go and buy some...
NEM hast the same value of Coins, what was the price of XEM at the beginning?
Think about that...

We are in a new era now. ICOs are very valuable for the crypto market. ICOs are the main reason why the bull market is still sustained. We might not see a bear market at all this year if not next year either. Unfortunately more than 50% of the ICOs will fail. You've got to be too careful investing in any. I think 2018 will be the year for NEM ICOs. Perhaps all awaiting catapult.

It has nothing to do with the new era!
It is just a simple mathematic calculation!
I am not saying that these Coins are scam, but the price will not go up when they are tradeable on the market for a long time.
The price will even fall imo, just because the ICO was too expensive....
That is not the way ICO's should be,
because it is always a risky investion with the hope to get more money back and not less!
But it is the fault of the people to be stupid enough to pay mostly everything the investors ask for!
If the people won't do that, we would have fair ICO's again...

If you look into past ICO's that are now listed, almost all lost marketcap. ICO's are way overvalued right now. I bought my NEM stake at a 6 figure marketcap. It's hard to justify 90 million based only on a whitepaper. Best bet for these ICO's is to wait until they are listed and see what the market price is before investing. Chances are you'll get a better price than the ICO.
Absolutely right!
I will also wait and buy DIM when it is tradeable!
Activity: 2408
Merit: 1004
Hold it will be go up
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
I bought a 7000 XEM at a price of 9150 sat. What should I do? Sell or hold? What is the opportunity to make a profit, because the price of XEM is falling more and more.
Activity: 68
Merit: 10
Can someone please explain why the price is stagnating so much after the big crash a month ago ?

It looks very weird, even Whales aren't pumping it.

XEM's price has increased more than 50 fold this year so there are a lot of early investors taking gains but they have to do it slowly because XEM has extremely shallow order books. There are also new investors who are accumulating but they want to get the lowest price of course so they try to wait for dumps. It seems both sides are comfortable with a $0.20-25 price point because the price has hovered in that range since the last rally. Once the early investors are done taking their gains chances are there will be another rally.

but the price keep dropping since after the last boost..
hero member
Activity: 491
Merit: 514
Can someone please explain why the price is stagnating so much after the big crash a month ago ?

It looks very weird, even Whales aren't pumping it.

XEM's price has increased more than 50 fold this year so there are a lot of early investors taking gains but they have to do it slowly because XEM has extremely shallow order books. There are also new investors who are accumulating but they want to get the lowest price of course so they try to wait for dumps. It seems both sides are comfortable with a $0.20-25 price point because the price has hovered in that range since the last rally. Once the early investors are done taking their gains chances are there will be another rally.
hero member
Activity: 491
Merit: 514
DIMCOIN, the Future of Equity on Blockchain, Proudly Announces ICO

"The DIM-COIN has a quantity commitment of 9 billion coins with the initial price starting at $0.01."

Good to see another NEM based ICO but an initial valuation of 90 million seems way too high. I haven't gone through the entire white paper but hard to justify that price IMO.

You are right, it is way too expensive!
Ecobit is even more expensive, it makes no sense at all.
ICO is not for collecting money to start a project anymore,
it is just for take the money from people who have no idea.
Status is also a good example for that!

0.01USD is expensive? I wonder what's cheap for you.

I haven't gone through the whitepaper too but this is a good start for NEM. NEM platform is already mature enough for some tokens to be created on its chain. We're all waiting for all these to happen.

Man, you have to keep the market cap in mind!
DIM has 9 billion Coins, with this price the market cap would be round about 90 million $!
Do you think DIM is 90 million worth right now!?
Then go and buy some...
NEM hast the same value of Coins, what was the price of XEM at the beginning?
Think about that...

We are in a new era now. ICOs are very valuable for the crypto market. ICOs are the main reason why the bull market is still sustained. We might not see a bear market at all this year if not next year either. Unfortunately more than 50% of the ICOs will fail. You've got to be too careful investing in any. I think 2018 will be the year for NEM ICOs. Perhaps all awaiting catapult.

It has nothing to do with the new era!
It is just a simple mathematic calculation!
I am not saying that these Coins are scam, but the price will not go up when they are tradeable on the market for a long time.
The price will even fall imo, just because the ICO was too expensive....
That is not the way ICO's should be,
because it is always a risky investion with the hope to get more money back and not less!
But it is the fault of the people to be stupid enough to pay mostly everything the investors ask for!
If the people won't do that, we would have fair ICO's again...

If you look into past ICO's that are now listed, almost all lost marketcap. ICO's are way overvalued right now. I bought my NEM stake at a 6 figure marketcap. It's hard to justify 90 million based only on a whitepaper. Best bet for these ICO's is to wait until they are listed and see what the market price is before investing. Chances are you'll get a better price than the ICO.
Activity: 100
Merit: 10
What is going on with XEM?? The price falls down and it looks like XEM will fall to 5000 - 6000.

Because large traders manipulate the market, and Noobs are pecking at schedules.  Grin

I invested a lot of money in Nem, and I'm waiting for a catapult and other goodies. And then I'll sell what I've invested, and keep the remaining coins for greater growth. Nem will grow and grow. This is not a bubble ripple.

Nem is completely competently made.
The prospect is obvious for a couple of years ahead.
If the price drops to 0.10 $ or even 0.5 $ I will not sell. And I'll buy more coins.

me too, and many others do the same. I am a longterm investor and with NEM I can sleep very calm. No news for weeks, no hype and the price is still holding strong. We have a strong comunity, because they don't need fancy marketing in front but good tech. The marketing will follow soon.
Activity: 116
Merit: 10
What is going on with XEM?? The price falls down and it looks like XEM will fall to 5000 - 6000.

Because large traders manipulate the market, and Noobs are pecking at schedules.  Grin

I invested a lot of money in Nem, and I'm waiting for a catapult and other goodies. And then I'll sell what I've invested, and keep the remaining coins for greater growth. Nem will grow and grow. This is not a bubble ripple.

Nem is completely competently made.
The prospect is obvious for a couple of years ahead.
If the price drops to 0.10 $ or even 0.5 $ I will not sell. And I'll buy more coins.

Activity: 23
Merit: 0
hero member
Activity: 1274
Merit: 511
how much coin i need for stake?
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
because some big stake holders are slowly taking some profit. Saw some big transactions to poloniex and bittrex hotwallet the last 2 weeks.
I think we will see higher prices again.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
Can someone please explain why the price is stagnating so much after the big crash a month ago ?

It looks very weird, even Whales aren't pumping it.
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
What is going on with XEM?? The price falls down and it looks like XEM will fall to 5000 - 6000.
full member
Activity: 242
Merit: 102
We are in a new era now. ICOs are very valuable for the crypto market. ICOs are the main reason why the bull market is still sustained. We might not see a bear market at all this year if not next year either. Unfortunately more than 50% of the ICOs will fail. You've got to be too careful investing in any. I think 2018 will be the year for NEM ICOs. Perhaps all awaiting catapult.

I give ICO mania a few more weeks myself and then we'll see the collapse of the millennium. I'll probably be wrong but it's just becoming insulting to the collective intelligence now.

I hope this bubble will burst soon, it is really getting more and more ridiculous week by week.
Activity: 79
Merit: 10
NEM will have a commission of less than 1 in the future?
Activity: 2590
Merit: 3015
Welt Am Draht
We are in a new era now. ICOs are very valuable for the crypto market. ICOs are the main reason why the bull market is still sustained. We might not see a bear market at all this year if not next year either. Unfortunately more than 50% of the ICOs will fail. You've got to be too careful investing in any. I think 2018 will be the year for NEM ICOs. Perhaps all awaiting catapult.

I give ICO mania a few more weeks myself and then we'll see the collapse of the millennium. I'll probably be wrong but it's just becoming insulting to the collective intelligence now.
full member
Activity: 242
Merit: 102
DIMCOIN, the Future of Equity on Blockchain, Proudly Announces ICO

"The DIM-COIN has a quantity commitment of 9 billion coins with the initial price starting at $0.01."

Good to see another NEM based ICO but an initial valuation of 90 million seems way too high. I haven't gone through the entire white paper but hard to justify that price IMO.

You are right, it is way too expensive!
Ecobit is even more expensive, it makes no sense at all.
ICO is not for collecting money to start a project anymore,
it is just for take the money from people who have no idea.
Status is also a good example for that!

0.01USD is expensive? I wonder what's cheap for you.

I haven't gone through the whitepaper too but this is a good start for NEM. NEM platform is already mature enough for some tokens to be created on its chain. We're all waiting for all these to happen.

Man, you have to keep the market cap in mind!
DIM has 9 billion Coins, with this price the market cap would be round about 90 million $!
Do you think DIM is 90 million worth right now!?
Then go and buy some...
NEM hast the same value of Coins, what was the price of XEM at the beginning?
Think about that...

We are in a new era now. ICOs are very valuable for the crypto market. ICOs are the main reason why the bull market is still sustained. We might not see a bear market at all this year if not next year either. Unfortunately more than 50% of the ICOs will fail. You've got to be too careful investing in any. I think 2018 will be the year for NEM ICOs. Perhaps all awaiting catapult.

It has nothing to do with the new era!
It is just a simple mathematic calculation!
I am not saying that these Coins are scam, but the price will not go up when they are tradeable on the market for a long time.
The price will even fall imo, just because the ICO was too expensive....
That is not the way ICO's should be,
because it is always a risky investion with the hope to get more money back and not less!
But it is the fault of the people to be stupid enough to pay mostly everything the investors ask for!
If the people won't do that, we would have fair ICO's again...

sr. member
Activity: 658
Merit: 251
VIMee - Social Network
Finally I have harvested my first XEMs ! After 2 empty blocks, yesterday I received ~8 XEM !
That is not much but it is a fair beginning !

At least you have started doing mining till now we don't have proper knowledge about how to mine a coin. Still, I am trying to learn more about Crypto's but anyhow I have made an investment in NEM organization.
sr. member
Activity: 313
Merit: 252
DIMCOIN, the Future of Equity on Blockchain, Proudly Announces ICO

"The DIM-COIN has a quantity commitment of 9 billion coins with the initial price starting at $0.01."

Good to see another NEM based ICO but an initial valuation of 90 million seems way too high. I haven't gone through the entire white paper but hard to justify that price IMO.

You are right, it is way too expensive!
Ecobit is even more expensive, it makes no sense at all.
ICO is not for collecting money to start a project anymore,
it is just for take the money from people who have no idea.
Status is also a good example for that!

0.01USD is expensive? I wonder what's cheap for you.

I haven't gone through the whitepaper too but this is a good start for NEM. NEM platform is already mature enough for some tokens to be created on its chain. We're all waiting for all these to happen.

Man, you have to keep the market cap in mind!
DIM has 9 billion Coins, with this price the market cap would be round about 90 million $!
Do you think DIM is 90 million worth right now!?
Then go and buy some...
NEM hast the same value of Coins, what was the price of XEM at the beginning?
Think about that...

We are in a new era now. ICOs are very valuable for the crypto market. ICOs are the main reason why the bull market is still sustained. We might not see a bear market at all this year if not next year either. Unfortunately more than 50% of the ICOs will fail. You've got to be too careful investing in any. I think 2018 will be the year for NEM ICOs. Perhaps all awaiting catapult.
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
Finally I have harvested my first XEMs ! After 2 empty blocks, yesterday I received ~8 XEM !
That is not much but it is a fair beginning !
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