NEM (#XEM) Foundation: we do not endorse any governments but can confirm that the government of #Venezuela will use NEM #blockchain.
The NEM technology is freely open to any individual or organization that wants to use it. The NEM Foundation abstains from political endorsements. We can confirm that the Venezuela Government is intending to use the NEM Blockchain.
Nem foundation promotes the technology to industries at large. In the course of its promotion, we teach system integrators and organisations how to program on the platform. Nem tech is easy to use and to build applications upon. A person reasonably skilled can work on the nem platform within a day. It does not take much to learn how to use the nem tech. By its extension, it is therefore easy for the Venezuelan government to implement using nem technology, without any help from the NEM foundation.
- NEM President Lon Wong
Prensa Presidencial :
"“Hemos firmado dos convenios fundamentales para que circule El Petro en las plataformas más avanzadas del mundo, gracias a la confianza de las empresas Zeus y NEM” declaró"
Nicolás Maduro – Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela.
Solo con el lanzamiento de la moneda se ha conocido que funciona a través de NEM, pues recordemos que en el libro blanco que se había difundido se especificaba que la moneda iba a ser creada a través del protocolo ERC-20 de la blockchain de Ethereum. Además, también según el libro blanco del proyecto, tras la liberación de todos los tokens, se espera crear una blockchain del criptoactivo para el registro de sus operaciones, lo que queda en el aire tras esta la característica de la pre-venta.
Translated from Spanish (switched from ERC20 to NEM):
Only with the launch of the coin has it been known that it works through NEM, since we remember that in the white paper that had been published it was specified that the coin was going to be created through the ERC-20 protocol of the Ethereum blockchain. In addition, also according to the white paper of the project, after the release of all the tokens, it is expected to create a blockchain of the cryptoactive for the registration of its operations, which remains in the air after this the characteristic of the pre-sale.
#EnVivo 📹 | Emisión de Certificados de Minería Digital y Lanzamiento de la preventa y oferta inicial del PETRO | Este Criptoactivo nos permitirá avanzar en el reimpulso de nuestra economía para construir una Patria próspera
#PetroPalPueblo 🇻🇪 #Venezuela El vicepresidente @TareckPSUV anunció el inicio oficial de la pre-venta privada, en esta primera ventana de comercialización se liberarán un total de 38,4 millones de #PTR @NicolasMaduro
People trying to blame #NEM for #Petro using #NEM is probably the dumbest thing I've read all day. Are you blaming #Bitcoin if it's used by criminals or people you don't agree with? Or the US Dollar? It's decentralized technology. You can't pick and choose.
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