I have differents cryptos, unfortunatly not a lot ... ahah, but i would like to ask some questions about wallets concerning my coins, and downloading thoses wallets for not having them any more on exange sites.
The 3/4 of my coins are ERC20. So for them, no probleme, i'm using MyEtherWallet. (by the way how to know if MEW is really sure ? I mean, we trust them that they do not save our private key. But is it really the case ?)
But for the others coins, that are not ERC20 i do not know how to do. And i do not have enaugh on this coins for buying ledger or nano. In this coins i have :
- Neo & Gas.
The wallet suporting Neo and Gas is the "neon wallet" that i downloaded here :
https://neo.org/client ==> tab neon wallet 0.2.5.
- Stellar Lumens
The wallet suporting Stellar Lumens is the "Foxlet wallet" that i downloaded here :
https://www.stellar.org/lumens/wallets/ ==> Foxlet wallet.
- Komodo
The wallet suporting Komodo is the "Agama wallet" that i downloaded here :
https://komodoplatform.com/komodo-wallets/ ==> Agama wallet for pc 64bit
- Waves
The wallet suporting Waves is the "waves wallet" that i downloaded here :
https://wavesplatform.com/ ==>clicking "download client (beta)"
I always downloaded the version of the wallet is made for desktop pc windows 7.
First of all i would like to know if i made a misake, error. After i would like to have your advises for thoses 4 wallets tha i downloaded on my PC (without downloading the blockchain of each coin, only installing the program). DOes thoses wallets are safes ? Backdoors risk ? Doing what i have done, may i have risk of virus ? Do you know someting "bad/strange" about thoses wallets ?
Can i continue what am i doing ? I mean continue with those wallets, installing blockchain on my pc, to synchronise it with internet and send my coins to the blockchain with those wallets and their public/private key ? And let them, for HODL ?
Untill now i did not transfered my few amounts of each coins on thoses wallets, so i can delete all the programs and reinstall all my pc like if it was new form the factory and delete every possible virus or something else.
I'm quit lost on how to hold those coins, for looong time :/ without ledger or nano because thoses devise is like maybe as expansive that the amount of those 4 coins ...
Thanks a lot !!!