NES aims to be a practical coin.
NES does not emphasize the technical part like most coins. NES is a coin that can serve as a payment.
NES will make mobile gift vouchers system and will develop NES's own POS, NFC and RFID.
This is very basic to the payment system. NES coin is faithful to the basic technology.
Many people regard cryptocurrency as fictional but make it a coin that is easily accessible to the general public.
The ability to use virtual currency in real life rather than speculation is a big feature of other coins.
NES is a coin system whose algorithm is X13 and has its own mainnet.
The NES coin was made in Korea.
POS DevelopmentNES will develop its own POS and deliver it to East Asia. POS completion will be completed in October 2019.
NFC & RFID Technology ImplementationIt will be piloted in Korea, the world's most widely used, and will be used in major markets in China, Korea and Japan.
Mobile Gift Vouchers Purchase Payment System NES will work with mobile gift vouchers (MGV) to build MGVs for purchase with NES coins.
This MGV is a mobile coupon you can buy throughout convenience stores and real life.
Advantages of NESNES will not manipulate or jump coins. No artificial control.
Quotes will be formed according to market logic and will do our best to protect the assets of investors.
Investors who invest directly in NES use virtually no risk because their debit card is used as it is.
Moreover, at the same time, NES coins will be paid.
* NES does not deceive investors with its promise of brilliant technology.
Only technologies that can be implemented are listed,
and NES strives to expand its sales network rather than technology-based infrastructure.
NES is currently available for trading in the trade Satoshi.Protocol:POW(Proof of Work) + POS(1% 1/year)(PoS)
Block Time:1 minutes
Block Rewards:0.005
Total supply : 7,000,000,000
Stake:1% per year depending on difficulty
Stake Weight:2/14 min/max days
Stake Threshold:10 days
Fee:0.0001 Coin
Difficulty Retarget:16 minutes or 8 blocks
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