I am not gay i dont want your blowjob, but thank you for the offer.
Let me help clarify for you, You have proven your an idiot, the facebook you are referring to and using as your "proof" is registered in the Philippines it is associated with cyberpinoy and the email associated with that account is not the one you have posted, the wolvman account is directly related to the whois that shows you clearly he lives in vietnam. How can i live in 23 places based on your "proof"
Finally the proof you desire
HAHAHA Thank you
Ok what is the number on the stakeminers website??
Umm HMMM Ok good boy
Now what is the number on the whois registrant
Ummm HMMM good boy
where are those numbers from
thats right folks the number on stakeminers site is here in the philippines, the number registered to our whois was paid for by my Business partner and is a Vietnam phone number.
Thank you Gleb the wonderful for showing everyone with all your "proof" we are in fact 2 different people.
I am not gay i dont want your blowjob, but thank you for the offer.
Let me help clarify for you, You have proven your an idiot, the facebook you are referring to and using as your "proof" is registered in the Philippines it is associated with cyberpinoy and the email associated with that account is not the one you have posted, the wolvman account is directly related to the whois that shows you clearly he lives in vietnam. How can i live in 23 places based on your "proof"
The above surely negates the below that you've penned hours ago:
We are not Whois Guarded, Our address is on the website, and our telephone number is available, we have direct emails to contact us thru, [...]
now your reachihng HAHAHAHA
I work the business, I do the website and other aspects, i control the wallets and the hardware we are using here, he is the financer who pays for the hosting and webservers, we have more than one project we are involved in, I am the work mule he is the financer. pure and simple, no one wants to talk wiht the financer when they have questions about the business structure, they wont see the walletrs in vietnam now will they, because they are located in the philippines.
Gleb just face it, this time YOU ARE WRONG hahaha maybe all the other times you were right and called a scam, but we are not a scam.
you didnt have to make a mocvkery like this to try and get your answeres, if you would have been nice and just asked in 1 post are wolvman and you the same person I would have explained in a nicer tone
No wolvman is my vietnam business partner, he is in charge of the finances, I host the computers and do all the work involved in running the site here in the philippines.
its funny we went out of our way to combat against the problems people fgace with these cloud mining businesses, and you have taken that hard work we used allow people to have a secure investment for once and you have attempted to turn that around on us.
your a fucking idiot, I have now proven you wrong in your ruthless attempt to discredit I will see if a moderator can remove this thread now, you have moved past the fact you were wrong about the double identity so now you psot other useless nonsense. You are an asshole who needs to get over yourslef.
what hole asshole you have already been proven wrong what more do you want, HAHA you said we were the same person I proved you wrong now you keep going on digging in our personal lives,
YES we are real people
YES we work very hard
YES we have more then one venture we are trying to do
Yes we care about our investors
YES we have been scammed before, (the paypal associated with paying for all this was just hacked 2 days ago)
But what we are not is scammers, what we do not offer is empty promises, what you are doing is ruining a great chance for people to make a lot of money, you didnt go to the site, you didnt read it you didnt look at the structure of the business we spent months building, you didnt ask anything that directly involves the business, people wanted a site with no WHOIS protection we gave it, you wanted addresses and phone numbers we gave it, what have you done with that, DO YOU SEE ASSFUCKER why no one wants to do it.
You plaster their personal info all over here, showing our personal problems we have fought and struggled thru and you were never ever going to ever invest with us, you were not a potential customer, You sir are a troll, a lonely man who desires attention at the expense of others, you make false assumptions and when those were negated you kept pushing and pushing trying your best to get a laugh at ones expense by slandering them.
You have no idea what I have done to put this project together. have you been sitting here next to me during all these endless nights of hard work, NO YOU WERENT. You wouldnt even give me the decency of a skype call to resolve this, you just wanted the attention, a chance to make yourself look good, WELL GUESS WHAT, you were wrong about us.
You have no clue the endless hours I spent reading forums, watching cloud businesses fuck my friends every day, looking for the perfect combination to put this business together to find not 1 way but multiple ways I could benefit users investment, finding multiple ways they can invest and promote our site and make a lot of money doing it. I tested wallet after wallet combining coins splitting blocks testing every avenue there is in the POS world to find the absolute best coins to benefit my investors the most.
So personally for an asshole like you who never had 1 intention of ever investing with us, You can take your opinion and shove it right up your ass, cause you know what? Your opinion will NOT put money in my investors wallets, Your opinion will NOT gain them 1 fraction of a percent of income. YOUR OPINION of us and our hard work, wont benefit them one bit.
March 14, 2015, 10:36:07 PMGleb will be back in another HOUR as he tries desperately to dig up the fact when i was young and stupid 20 years ago I wrecked a car that did not have insurance on it HAHAHA
Gleb we all make mistakes, just fess up bro you were wrong, admit it and move on brother
its funny you have not posted the good things and accomplishments in my life yet when will those come in Gleb? like my business I ownmed that had 100% customner satisfaction where people left 250,000 to 500,000 dollar condos in my protection. I had the keys and everything, and never once did I ever lie to my customers or give them a service that was bad. I dont see you mentioning my good point only stupid nonsense huh.
Ok sir I have proven your claims to be wrong and appeased you long enough now I must get some sleep I have gotten about 2 hours of sleep a night the past few weeks trying to finalize my project for real people actually interested in investing in my business, I should not have wasted any time on your nonsense actually, but your claims needed to be disproved and I did that.
thank you for the fun and bringing out my anger gleb the impossible
Wow that ad was before the fire make sure they understand we are talking pesos not dollars there gleb the embellisher. Let me also add all that money we made burned in the fire we had, thank you gleb for bringing those memories back.
Your claim about me and wolvman being the same person DISPROVED
Your claim about KC and ME connected DISPROVED
Your claim I lied about my bitcoin business ventures being lies DISPROVED
How many more beofore you do exactly what you said GLEB Ill take that apology and see your ass as you walk out the door now. You have no claims, you have not and can not prove something that is not true Gleb just face it. We are not a scam and we have no intentions of stealing from anyone. DEAL WITH IT BRO!!!
Your claim about me and wolvman being the same person DISPROVED
Your claim about KC and ME connected DISPROVED
Your claim I lied about my bitcoin business ventures being lies DISPROVED
Im 3-0 your 0-3 so far keep it going brother. here let me laugh with you so your not laughing alone HAHAHAHAHA
Bitcoiner: Bruno, what's another clue that we're dealin' with a scammer?
Bruno: Well, they start deleting shit on the internet:
https://twitter.com/cyberpinoyBitcoiner: You're the bestest! Keep it up.
seriously dumb ass, there is no cyberpinoy twitter because I never had one , you are really reaching now Gleb. You have still not shown what this thread is for SCAM ACCUSATIONS, you accuse my site of being a scam PROVE IT, where are the people I stole from...Oh yea their are NONE, who have I lied to about the project...Oh yea its working better than we expected for investors so we have not lied at all, who has lost thier funds to me without repayment... oh yea NO ONE EVER, when have I promised some4thing and not gone thru wiht my promises...Oh yea NEVER..
Your claim about me and wolvman being the same person DISPROVED
Your claim about KC and ME connected DISPROVED
Your claim I lied about my bitcoin business ventures being lies DISPROVED
Your claim I offered you a cut for promoting my business DISPROVED
Your claim I deleted a cyberpinoy twitter account DISPROVED
Im 5-0 your 0-5 Don't quit your day job Gleb, oh thats right you dont have one HAHAHAHAHA
OMG finally 1 for gleb HAHA I forgot it was listed as cyberpinoy, however it was changed when I was designing the site, I am soooo sorry, I made a dang mistake, I forgoty it was even associated wiht cyberpinoy, It was not deleted because of you but munch dont get your pannies in a binch and get all excited. It was changed because I had to connect it to the twitter link on the website.
So finally .5 for Gleb because the twitter account was not "Deleted" it was converted over to crypto freakl then somthing else and then stakeminers which all was done long before you precious thread.
You still have not proven my project is out to scam people looser, there is njo day 2 your barking up the wrong tree Im not here to scam anyone and I have aappeased your illegal defamation, your slander, and your ignorance lojng enough, you have not proven anything so far except I forgot about my tgwitter change I made. And I will not lie I changed it instead of starting annew one so it would increase our SEO rank, there thats the most unethical thing I have done so far, so if I am a scammer cause I wanted to raise my SEO ranking on a page that is brand new SUE ME but crunch.
fuck and I really thought I could get some peaceful sleep today, Its amazing how out of your way you have gone to discredit a person who is not a scammer and how I dont see antying you have done to assist all those people who really have gotten fucked over gleb put those useless skills to work, find the real owners for some of these companies and help people get their fucking bitcfoins back asshole.
OMG finally 1 for gleb HAHA I forgot it was listed as cyberpinoy, however it was changed when I was designing the site, I am soooo sorry, I made a dang mistake, I forgoty it was even associated wiht cyberpinoy, It was not deleted because of you but munch dont get your pannies in a binch and get all excited. It was changed because I had to connect it to the twitter link on the website.
So finally .5 for Gleb because the twitter account was not "Deleted" it was converted over to crypto freakl then somthing else and then stakeminers which all was done long before you precious thread.
You maintained a Twitter account for six years having 1,677 tweets and totally forgot the name of it? Only recalling it after I've offered up undeniable proof that you lied?
This is now the forth time you've tried to explain away evidence I've used to nail your ass. WHEN THE FUCK DOES IT END?
its also the 4th time I disproved your bullshit gleb get over yourslef the account was not deleted it was changed anmd it wasd changed long before this thread so your claim was DISPROVED
Your claim about me and wolvman being the same person DISPROVED
Your claim about KC and ME connected DISPROVED
Your claim I lied about my bitcoin business ventures being lies DISPROVED
Your claim I offered you a cut for promoting my business DISPROVED
Your claim I deleted a cyberpinoy twitter account DISPROVED
Your claim I am a SCAM...... STILL CANT DO IT CAN YOU GLEB
Gleb you are a useless liar, the thrill is over bro I will not appease you any longer, I have disproven you on 99.9 percent of your accusations, all you are doing now is breaking the law, you have no proof of any kind to back up your claims, At least puppet has a real system(I may not like it but its a real system) Be happy I am not in the states or I would sue you for defamation of character, slander, invasion of privacy and any other law my lawyer can rack up against you.
I will not waste anymore time with you it was fun because I kept feeding you, I hope you had fun digging in my life a person with real problems,
PUPPET this is why no one in crypto has anything available, he is why people whois guard everything, and no addresses or phone numbers, idiots like gleb, he never once proved anything negative about me except I changed my twitter months ago then changed it again last week. I tried to met you fucking standards and look what it got a days full of crap from a retired Moron who just wants attention and read my life and my business partners life like a soap opera. hes never proven I am a scam or I have done anything illegal or wrong against anyone, but this is what i get fdor abiding by what people wanted, by being opened to who I am and what I am doing.
the twitter account was not deleted and that was your claim gleb, I love your psycho rationalizations, and I changed it to crypto freak and then to stakeminers. Yes it is easy to forget things like that since I was not super avid in logging in the twitter to make posts actualkly its very easy to make a tweet without logging in to your main account, you click the tweet icon and login if your computer is not already cached and logged in and it tweets for you. tweets are miniscule gleb, it does not prove I am a scammer.
hjave fun "jacking off" I am done here. unless you cna provide readers wiht true facts of how I stole from someone, scammed anyone, lied to any person who did business wiht me, your joke and fun is over. and since I know that has never happend. GOOD DAY SIR
Your claim about me and wolvman being the same person DISPROVED
Your claim about KC and ME connected DISPROVED
Your claim I lied about my bitcoin business ventures being lies DISPROVED
Your claim I offered you a cut for promoting my business DISPROVED
Your claim I deleted a cyberpinoy twitter account DISPROVED
Your claim I am a SCAM DISPROVED!!!!
I have 2 beautiful children who I want to spend my Sunday with, you are not worth 1/100 of a percent what my children are worth to me.