1. BRONZE: Invest 0.01BTC - 0.099BTC FOR 200% (4% Hourly For 50 Hours)
Invest Into This With Between 0.01BTC To 0.099BTC And Earn 4% Hourly For 50Hours = 200% RETURNS.
2. SILVER: Invest 0.1BTC - 0.99BTC FOR 300% (6% Hourly For 50 Hours)
Invest Into This With Between 0.1BTC To 0.99BTC And Earn 6% Hourly For 50Hours = 300% RETURNS.
3. GOLD: Invest 1BTC - 4.99BTC FOR 400% (8% Hourly For 50 Hours)
Invest Into This With Between 1BTC To 4.99BTC And Earn 8% Hourly For 50Hours = 400% RETURNS.
4. PLATINUM: Invest 5BTC - 9.99BTC FOR 500% (10% Hourly For 50 Hours)
Invest Into This With Between 5BTC To 9.99BTC And Earn 10% Hourly For 50Hours = 500% RETURNS.
VIP 5. DIAMOND: Invest 10BTC & Above FOR 1000% (20% Hourly For 50 Hours)
Invest Into This With Between 10BTC To 50BTC And Earn 20% Hourly For 50Hours = 1000% RETURNS.
REGISTERE HERE: http://www.bitcoinfortunes.win
Cant imagine the 1000% returns. I think your a joker. Cause all youve posted were only jokes.