In order to try a project I'd like to know which altcoins are recent and have a long block creation time (ie small number of blocks per day)
Y'know, I'm rather glad you asked that question
The Description Of A CryptoCurrency project (DOACC -
https://github.com/DOACC) carries metadata for over 1600 altcoins and publishes it as an RDF graph.
Minkiz offers a SPARQL endpoint at
You can use the SPARQL endpoint via the web form at that URL, it is pre-completed with an example query.
If you over-paste the following query into the box ....
PREFIX skos:
PREFIX doacc:
SELECT ?node ?label ?symbol ?incept ?bt WHERE {
?node skos:prefLabel ?label .
?node doacc:incept ?incept .
?node doacc:symbol ?symbol .
?node doacc:block-time ?bt .
FILTER (?incept > "2013-12" && ?bt > 300)
} order by ?bt
it will return a list of altcoins which satisfy the query statements, giving the coin's DOACC uuid4 unique reference, the name of the altcoin, its trading symbol, the month of its inception (all entries have at least a YYYY-MM incept date, some have a full YYYY-MM-DD date-founded) and the block target time in seconds. Feel free to tweak the target values (atm, incept date later than "2013-12" and block target time greater than 300 seconds).
and for the terminally curious, the results (lightly edited in the interests of brevity and clarity) ...
| node | label | symbol | incept | bt |
| doacc:Dbe503204-7558-4362-94fb-d0fde4998b3a | Bulbcoin | BULB | 2014-08 | 380 |
| doacc:D0d94412d-27fd-4326-957e-a192e34254c0 | DiamondBack | DBK | 2014-08 | 384 |
| doacc:D9d7c7700-a2cb-40c4-aa52-859ad80bbf8e | 419coin | SCAM | 2014-04 | 419 |
| doacc:D52624384-c024-4497-b44f-e0a803c5923d | Pxlcoin | PXL | 2014-01 | 420 |
| doacc:Dee298eff-b026-4480-9a89-f70255f096c4 | Auroracoin | AUR | 2014-02 | 600 |
| doacc:D5a5921bb-6700-4a56-9bf6-558af5b2f7f7 | Arkhash | ARK | 2014-03 | 600 |
| doacc:D79ffc442-dddc-41da-822c-2f7fb4017f40 | BitcoinNEW | BTN | 2014-04 | 600 |
| doacc:D4f9acba8-77b5-4875-add3-4fe3da74c313 | Lemonadecoin | LEO | 2014-05 | 600 |
| doacc:Da47a45e7-540a-44cd-90df-b9c09d07c479 | Metalcoin | MTC | 2014-06 | 600 |
| doacc:Df73a7291-147f-4b6d-b04d-9a6e190b2e2c | Zippercoin | ZIP | 2014-06 | 600 |
| doacc:D0e92be0b-24a7-405c-9d7d-838e8de54a10 | BigBullioncoin | BIG | 2014-07 | 600 |
| doacc:Def44a8b7-1825-490c-a271-f4929ba94b9c | CherryNote | CRR | 2014-07 | 600 |
| doacc:D4c23219d-ead1-4a97-bea1-b1339ae8faaf | Eaglecoin | egc | 2014-07 | 600 |
| doacc:Da0770ce7-0c77-4295-b225-a54a277a7828 | SpreadCoin | SPREAD | 2014-07 | 600 |
| doacc:D61d7490f-b92a-4475-ba84-4fe5e929117d | ASDcoin | ASD | 2014-08 | 600 |
| doacc:D944be229-25c2-4569-971c-5ca8999ecf68 | Nostrum | NOS | 2014-09 | 600 |
| doacc:D88c5d412-9baa-4907-8408-c6c953ec122a | Asspenny | ASS | 2014-04 | 720 |
| doacc:Dfd347290-f43c-4172-94f6-8b31aa207fc4 | Spirecoin | SPIRE | 2014-02 | 900 |
| doacc:D4cd50334-925a-425e-8a63-e294c04e1f84 | Arkenstone | ARS | 2014-05 | 900 |
| doacc:Dbd5c4ce0-9e46-463b-b014-6181b605292c | Irccoin | IRC | 2014-04 | 1200 |
| doacc:D9cc029d2-3c3f-4741-a4fd-6928e5253a09 | EdisonX3 | EDISON | 2014-03 | 1800 |
| doacc:D72f28a0f-7726-4710-a249-f126027c402e | RivrCoin | RIVR | 2014-07 | 7200 |
Although, looking at those results, I see that we need to expand the query to include the label of the p2p protocol used by the coin:
PREFIX skos:
PREFIX doacc:
SELECT ?node ?label ?symbol ?protocol ?incept ?bt WHERE {
?node skos:prefLabel ?label .
?node doacc:incept ?incept .
?node doacc:symbol ?symbol .
?node doacc:protocol ?p .
?p skos:prefLabel ?protocol .
?node doacc:block-time ?bt .
FILTER (?incept > "2013-12" && ?bt > 300)
} order by ?bt
that's better ...
| node | label | symbol | protocol | incept | bt |
| doacc:Dbe503204-7558-4362-94fb-d0fde4998b3a | Bulbcoin | BULB | bitcoin | 2014-08 | 380 |
| doacc:D0d94412d-27fd-4326-957e-a192e34254c0 | DiamondBack | DBK | cryptonote | 2014-08 | 384 |
| doacc:D9d7c7700-a2cb-40c4-aa52-859ad80bbf8e | 419coin | SCAM | bitcoin | 2014-04 | 419 |
| doacc:D52624384-c024-4497-b44f-e0a803c5923d | Pxlcoin | PXL | bitcoin | 2014-01 | 420 |
| doacc:Dee298eff-b026-4480-9a89-f70255f096c4 | Auroracoin | AUR | bitcoin | 2014-02 | 600 |
| doacc:D5a5921bb-6700-4a56-9bf6-558af5b2f7f7 | Arkhash | ARK | bitcoin | 2014-03 | 600 |
| doacc:D79ffc442-dddc-41da-822c-2f7fb4017f40 | BitcoinNEW | BTN | bitcoin | 2014-04 | 600 |
| doacc:D4f9acba8-77b5-4875-add3-4fe3da74c313 | Lemonadecoin | LEO | bitcoin | 2014-05 | 600 |
| doacc:Da47a45e7-540a-44cd-90df-b9c09d07c479 | Metalcoin | MTC | bitcoin | 2014-06 | 600 |
| doacc:Df73a7291-147f-4b6d-b04d-9a6e190b2e2c | Zippercoin | ZIP | bitcoin | 2014-06 | 600 |
| doacc:D0e92be0b-24a7-405c-9d7d-838e8de54a10 | BigBullioncoin | BIG | bitcoin | 2014-07 | 600 |
| doacc:Def44a8b7-1825-490c-a271-f4929ba94b9c | CherryNote | CRR | cryptonote | 2014-07 | 600 |
| doacc:D4c23219d-ead1-4a97-bea1-b1339ae8faaf | Eaglecoin | egc | bitcoin | 2014-07 | 600 |
| doacc:Da0770ce7-0c77-4295-b225-a54a277a7828 | SpreadCoin | SPREAD | bitcoin | 2014-07 | 600 |
| doacc:D61d7490f-b92a-4475-ba84-4fe5e929117d | ASDcoin | ASD | bitcoin | 2014-08 | 600 |
| doacc:D944be229-25c2-4569-971c-5ca8999ecf68 | Nostrum | NOS | node | 2014-09 | 600 |
| doacc:D944be229-25c2-4569-971c-5ca8999ecf68 | Nostrum | NOS | nostrum | 2014-09 | 600 |
| doacc:D88c5d412-9baa-4907-8408-c6c953ec122a | Asspenny | ASS | bitcoin | 2014-04 | 720 |
| doacc:Dfd347290-f43c-4172-94f6-8b31aa207fc4 | Spirecoin | SPIRE | bitcoin | 2014-02 | 900 |
| doacc:D4cd50334-925a-425e-8a63-e294c04e1f84 | Arkenstone | ARS | bitcoin | 2014-05 | 900 |
| doacc:Dbd5c4ce0-9e46-463b-b014-6181b605292c | Irccoin | IRC | bitcoin | 2014-04 | 1200 |
| doacc:D9cc029d2-3c3f-4741-a4fd-6928e5253a09 | EdisonX3 | EDISON | bitcoin | 2014-03 | 1800 |
| doacc:D72f28a0f-7726-4710-a249-f126027c402e | RivrCoin | RIVR | bitcoin | 2014-07 | 7200 |
If you wanted to include only altcoins that use the bitcoin protocol, just add that constraint to the filter expression (you need to explicitly provide the @en lang spec to constrain the match to just the english strings, I now regret editing all the @en out of the results)
FILTER (?incept > "2013-12" && ?bt > 300 && ?protocol = "bitcoin"@en)
Um, looks like a duplicate there for Nostrum, created when they switched the labels for their protocol, so I need to add a DISTINCT to the result spec ...
PREFIX skos:
PREFIX doacc:
SELECT DISTINCT(?node as ?uuid) ?label ?symbol ?protocol ?incept
?node skos:prefLabel ?label .
?node doacc:incept ?incept .
?node doacc:symbol ?symbol .
?node doacc:protocol ?p .
?p skos:prefLabel ?protocol .
?node doacc:block-time ?bt .
FILTER (?incept > "2013-12" && ?bt > 300)
} order by ?bt
Continue refining until you've got what you need.