The message behind the video is that "blockchain" is the swiss army knife of future business practices. This contorts the truth, because the so-called "blockchain technology" is entirely inefficient for non-decentralized solutions (e.g. private blockchains for banking purposes).
The true innovation of blockchain technology is making decentralized cash like Bitcoin possible. The real killer app is Bitcoin. However bankers are in denial, because they are captives of cognitive dissonance in that regard, as Bitcoin is an existential threat for their business as the actors in the fiat money fraud scheme. Sadly the video simply repeats the nonsensical prevarications of this kind of people.
I understand this critique very well but let me explain our thinking in more detail. First of all I personally believe that Bitcoin is indeed the killer app of blockchain technology, the choices made in the video are our solution to the problem in Bitcoin's image.
First of all blockchain does not exclude bitcoin. Bitcoin is based on blockchain technology after all. Our video also has multiple Bitcoin references built-in. What we do feel however is that there are a lot of regular people, financial people, public sector people, that have a lot of negative bias towards bitcoin. We want to reel them in to the blockchain phenomenon and from there slowly but surely convert them to understand and appreciate cryptocurrencies.
The people who have a negative bias are very much put off by so called "Bitcoin maximalists" that go on their aggressive rant on why Bitcoin is the only blockchain thing that matters. Even though I personally mostly agree with the maximalists I think that the approach they use on debating the subject is not productive. In fact it's anti-productive. I feel it's better to reel them in through the positive bias that "blockchain" has and then start talking about the revolution that cryptocurrencies enable.
It's all about who is the receiver of the message. I fully understand, and knew in advance, that some people in the Bitcoin scene will be put off by the video. But the video is not really for them, it's for all the people who are currently not into Bitcoin, but hopefully will be in the future.