
Topic: New bot to trade cryptocurrencies on Binance, free to try (Read 166 times)

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
I show below an image with the results obtained in the last days since the previous post. I would like to emphasize that the operations or profit obtained are thanks to manual trading, not by using the automatic bot. I expect to start using the bot when the market start to rise again, which could happen soon. The chart on the bottom-left shows the profit obtained considering the operations opened and closed (close to 100$ since december), the number on the border of the balance table shows 118 $, which is the profit of the closed operations only.

The program can work in an automatic way with a good set of sensors that, combined, allows to configure very different kind of strategies. I had a month with 30% of profit testing the bot a few months ago, unfortunately it was only that month since the activity in altcoins went down later. I also had some losts due to testing, some coins removed from Binance after I bought them (it is imperative to receive the mail news from Binance to take some manual actions sometimes, and not recommendable to use any bot fully automatically for long periods), the sensors I had to develope (including a crash sensor to sell everything when the market falls very fast) since I found that technical indicators don't give consistent profits (unless the market rises), and the fall of the BTC itself. My operation mode now is almost completely manual, and to reduce risks I have many coins disabled since I think they could disappear in the next months. I have compensated my losts (due to developing and testing the program, which is now fully operational and reliable) with the profits, so my balance now is similar or slightly better to what I had before in terms of BTC, and I'm starting to see some profits that I expect to increase, specially if the market rises. In terms of $ I have lose, of course, but most of the testing time I didn't have the crash sensor.

Overall, the program runs in a very robust way, and it is really confortable to use it compared to the Binance web interface, where you have that puzzle to login and then you never know how your operations are performing or the right moment to sell. After hundreds of operations done in different run tests using BNB to pay for the fees, I have no error or coins lost (to convert to BNB with the web interface), everything is really smooth. I suggest you to download and try to program, no Binance account is needed since the program includes the data from Binance between May and October, 2018, to use it as a test for your strategies. With a Binance account you can try the program using virtual balance without registering, the only caution you should take is to check the withdrawal using the API is disabled in your configuration (as it is by default). The help document is very informative but I'm open to solve any doubt, and any recommendation to improve the program will be welcomed.

Manual trading is what I use now and the register fee to use that mode is, I think, very low for what the program offers. Performance depends on how you trade mainly, but with a program like this live in Binance is a lot easier. I will post more screenshots in the following weeks showing my trading results, but please understand that the results will be good or bad depending on my skill (which is not high) and the evolution of the market, the point is how the program helps to get good results or buy the right coin in the right moment, a lot faster than using the web interface.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
First of all, hellow to all since this is my first post. I've been developing for ten months a bot to trade altcoins on Binance. It can also be used on Cryptopia, but with strong limitations because the API for that platform lacks a lot of features. I've been testing the program for months to ensure a high quality before releasing the program, which has (I think) a lot of interesting features you will not find in other bots:

- The bot includes a simulator with real data from Binance taken between May and October, 2018, a period dominated by a drop in the cryptocurrencies. You don't need even an account on any trading platform to use the simulator. You can even accelerate the simulation to see how the program performs over the days a lot faster.
- The graphical user interface is very rich, with a lot of data and charts showing the evolution of the coins in the short (1-2 days) and long-term (21 days), your trading operations, global market evolution and your profits.
- The trading modes are two: manual and with the bot. You can take manual control of operations opened by the bot if you want. You can decide to register the program for 0.05 BTC to use both methods, or 0.025 if you are only interested in the manual mode. If you don't find the program useful you can unregister in the next 10 days, getting back your BTC except for network fees. You can upgrade from the manual mode to the complete mode (to use the bot) for another 0.025 BTC. If you don't register, you can freely use the program with virtual balance, not the real balance of your account. This means that besides the simulator you can try the program with real current data from Binance if you already have an account on that platform. The register option will not be available until you use the program with a Binance account.
- The bot includes many so called sensors I have developed during these months to help with trading. You can try them with the simulator. MACD and RSI and the main technical indicators, but I found them unreliable to ensure getting profit, so I developed my own ones. I also added a 'crash' sensor that can close everything and save the balance in TUSD (TrueUSD) altcoin during a hard and fast drop. Sensors can be enabled/disabled, configured with several options in each of them, and sorted with preference. The crash sensor, for instance, would usually be the one with highest priority, but you can configure everything the way you want. You can independently simulate and compare the performance of a given configuration of the sensors before applying that configuration to your current strategy, or even 'fit' the parameters to seach for the best performance.
- For more advance users, you can define several simultaneous strategies running at the same time with different configuration of the sensors, for a given platform (Binance) or different ones. Each strategy will use a given fraction of your balance.
- There is a help menu with an extensive document that describes in detail the program, so I'm not going to extend myself a lot here. There are many options and anyone interested in it should read the document, and will need some time to get used to all the features. It should work on Windows, Linux, and Mac. For Windows there is a .bat file you can double click on. For Linux and Mac there is a .sh file to execute it. The only installation requirement is Java (Java 8 or above) to run the program.

I show below an screenshot to give you a fast idea of the appearance of the program. It is a real screenshot of the program running in my home PC for some weeks, and you can see the profit obtained so far. I'm now a bit in read in the open operations due to the recent drops (and because I have put a sell order manually, and this obviously blocks the stop loss feature), but I have closed several trades during these days, in some cases with more than 10% profit. I have 79 operations closed with profit from a total of 110, but the truth is that most of the operations closed with losts were due to an error I made while testing. The red region in the total market capital is due to a sensor that blocks new operations while the market is dropping. In the first execution the program asks if should run in English or in Spanish.

And here is a typical profit evolution chart taken some time ago in one of my tests. The current one is similar, but I'm now trading only with BTC.

If you are interested you can try it by downloading the .zip file below. Be aware the download is about 1 GB since the data from Binance used for the simulator occupes a lot, even compressed.

Any questions/comments will be welcomed.
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