You don't need to be a programmer to create a concept. The proof of work of all the coins is not here to make some rich guys richer. They just sacrifice something scarce. And this is mining power. Because with an anonym decentraliced network, there is not democratic election possible (everybody could make up gazillions of identities). But mining power you cannot just make up and everybody sees that somebody is sacrifice his mining power.
But let's just pretent, every person with a shitty computer has the same chance and one vote. Forget about the problem, that one person could just pretent to be 100000 and gets 100000 chances. So we assume 10mio. people participate. We have one block every minute. So everybody will get one block every 20 years. Great! And what is so good about that?
When people here make a CPU and tell you, everybody can mine, because it is a CPU, they just lie. You can mine Bitcoin with a CPU, too. You don't need a specialized hardware to mine it. But you are just slowier than with bigger hardware. So will your 2core i3 have no chance against some 72 core monster. And when many 1000 people participate, you will not get many blocks.