USB Image
I think I, and most users of Bitcoin have serious concerns with the backup and storage of Bitcoin.
I therefore propose that we create a common format for Digital Backup for if the worst happens.
The main points of the Image I think should be as follows.
1. The Image should be non technical for the user.
2. The Image should not require my loved ones to remember a password.
3. The Image should be as secure as possible.
4. The Image should take the end user to the point of being able to send a transaction.
What I propose, is that the Image should
1. Be a Linux Boot Image on USB or similar and stored with Instructions on how to change the bois to boot from the Image.
2. Should check that there is no Interenet Connection on start and disable any present.
3. Alow the user to use a webcam and manual input to add additional private keys.
4. Decrypt Bip based on a few pre configured questions.
5. Inject the private keys into a bitcoin wallet
6. Prompt the user to add there own password to the new wallet.
7. Reinstate Network Connections
8. Download/Update the Blockchain
9. Prompt the user as to when the system is ready to make the transaction.
The Image should also have scripts for the setup, where by I can
1. Securely produce a new private keys
2. Encrypt the keys using bip and some security questions
3. Produce paper keys
4. Clean the keys from the system
So the end result will be that my family only need to boot the USB and follow the Instructions provided on screen.
They will of course still need to find my BIP protected Keys (but they will know where they are hidden)
My BIP password would be a combination of 3 or 4 pieces of information that they would know. That I have set in the software on the Image, like mothers name/childs date of birth/pets name.
I think this is quite easy to setup, but will take me ages as am quite new to Linux. So would be a great project for someone else.
Please provide thoughts and criticisms …