
Topic: NEW GUI GPU Test Panel for cgminer . Card tuning, preset profiles (LTC release) (Read 1859 times)

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Activity: 397
Merit: 251
CureCoin Lead Dev
PRE RELEASE - beta download - settings tester and easy launcher for cgminer

This is for tuning with script based mining only. ill release another soon for BTC type mining once this one is tuned...

I just wrote this tonight. still a work in progress hence the title pre release. the huge list of presets that is being built is going to take me a few more hours of work to program into the GUI list box. This program will make finding the best settings for your card with cgminer much easier! all it does is give you a GUI that launches cgminer without having to retype the entire command ( am i lazy?) . This is handy though if you want to test all the settings combonations quickly to find the best setting for your cards! i imagine someone with a mix of cards would really like this to find target setting for each card.

This is not just for tuners and tweakers either, if u cant figure out how to lauch cgminer, try this! its all simple code and therefore easy to use and not much to go wrong.

look for the copy paste of my code below screenshot so you can see for yourself it is safe. i used autoit to write this. reminder that only the 1-5 profiles buttons are programed so far... activating a huge list of presets might not get finished tonight, kinda tired. but you can manually enter any value into the GUI for full and fast testing and tuning.


#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
Global $addressX
Global $THREADSi
 $THREADCONi = 6144
 $THREADSi = 1
 $WORKSIZEi = 256

#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=C:\Users\21Oracle12\Downloads\koda_1.7.3.0\Forms\LITE2.kxf
$Form1 = GUICreate("Litecoin cgminer Testing Panel", 610, 408, 190, 121)
$Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("pool address or solo address", 24, 48, 138, 17)
$addressi = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 176, 48, 353, 21)
$USERNAMEi = GUICtrlCreateInput("USERNAME", 176, 80, 353, 21)
$USERNAMElabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("USERNAME", 24, 80, 65, 17)
$PASSWORDi = GUICtrlCreateInput("PASSWORD", 176, 112, 353, 21)
$PASSWOR = GUICtrlCreateLabel("PASSWORD", 24, 112, 67, 17)
$THREADCONi = GUICtrlCreateInput($THREADCONi, 176, 208, 81, 21)
$WORKSIZEi = GUICtrlCreateInput($WORKSIZEi, 176, 176, 81, 21)
$THREADSi = GUICtrlCreateInput($THREADSi, 176, 144, 81, 21)
$INTENSITYi = GUICtrlCreateInput($INTENSITYi, 176, 240, 81, 21)
$threadc = GUICtrlCreateLabel("THREAD CONCURRENCY", 24, 208, 144, 17)
$Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("WORK SIZE", 24, 176, 80, 17)
$THREADSLABEL = GUICtrlCreateLabel("GPU THREADS", 24, 144, 82, 17)
$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 96, 280, 97, 25)
$Label9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("INTENSITY", 24, 240, 61, 17)
$Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Profiles", 16, 312, 38, 17)
$Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("1", 16, 344, 25, 25)
$Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("2", 48, 344, 25, 25)
$Button4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("3", 80, 344, 25, 25)
$Button5 = GUICtrlCreateButton("4", 112, 344, 25, 25)
$List1 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 360, 184, 217, 175)
GUICtrlSetData(-1, "-THREAD 1 -W 128 -T-C 4000 -I 10|-THREAD 1 -W 128 -T-C 4000 -I 13|-THREAD 1 -W 128 -T-C 4000 -I 15|-THREAD 1 -W 128 -T-C 4000 -I 6|-THREAD 1 -W 128 -T-C 4000 -I 8|-THREAD 1 -W 256 -T-C 4000 -I 10|-THREAD 1 -W 256 -T-C 4000 -I 13|-THREAD 1 -W 256 -T-C 4000 -I 15|-THREAD 1 -W 256 -T-C 4000 -I 6|-THREAD 1 -W 256 -T-C 4000 -I 8|-THREAD 1 -W 64 -T-C 4000 -I 10|-THREAD 1 -W 64 -T-C 4000 -I 13|-THREAD 1 -W 64 -T-C 4000 -I 15|-THREAD 1 -W 64 -T-C 4000 -I 6|-THREAD 1 -W 64 -T-C 4000 -I 8")
$Button6 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Load Profile", 392, 152, 153, 25)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###

While 1
   $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
   Switch $nMsg
      Case $Button1
         $addressX = GUICtrlRead ($addressi)
         $USERNAMEX = GUICtrlRead ($USERNAMEi)
         $PASSWORDX = GUICtrlRead ($PASSWORDi)
         $THREADCONX = GUICtrlRead ($THREADCONi)
         $INTENSITYX = GUICtrlRead ($INTENSITYi)
         $WORKSIZEX = GUICtrlRead ($WORKSIZEi)
         $THREADSX = GUICtrlRead ($THREADSi)
         ;uncomment sleep and send in the next 2 lines, then comment the next line that starts with run to create a testing mode for
         ;text output to a notepad or command prompt without execution of cgminer.
         ;Sleep (3000)
         ;Send ("cgminer --scrypt -o "&$addressX&" -u "&$USERNAMEX&" -p "&$PASSWORDX&" --gpu-threads "&$THREADSX&" -I "&$INTENSITYX&" -w "&$WORKSIZEX&" --thread-concurrency "&$THREADCONX)
         Run ("cgminer --scrypt -o "&$addressX&" -u "&$USERNAMEX&" -p "&$PASSWORDX&" --gpu-threads "&$THREADSX&" -I "&$INTENSITYX&" -w "&$WORKSIZEX&" --thread-concurrency "&$THREADCONX)
      Case $Button2
         GUICtrlSetData($THREADCONi, "4000")
         GUICtrlSetData($THREADSi, "1")
         GUICtrlSetData($INTENSITYi, "10")
         GUICtrlSetData($WORKSIZEi, "256")
      Case $Button3
         GUICtrlSetData($THREADCONi, "6144")
         GUICtrlSetData($THREADSi, "1")
         GUICtrlSetData($INTENSITYi, "13")
         GUICtrlSetData($WORKSIZEi, "256")
      Case $Button4
         GUICtrlSetData($THREADCONi, "8000")
         GUICtrlSetData($THREADSi, "1")
         GUICtrlSetData($INTENSITYi, "13")
         GUICtrlSetData($WORKSIZEi, "256")
      Case $Button5
         GUICtrlSetData($THREADCONi, "8000")
         GUICtrlSetData($THREADSi, "1")
         GUICtrlSetData($INTENSITYi, "15")
         GUICtrlSetData($WORKSIZEi, "256")


Here is the windows 32 bit .exe file

Please donate to my efforts if you want to support my time to make a fully featured GUI cgminer tool to give you full and easy control. this was whipped up in an hour or two, and i have tons of ideas for pros and newbies to have easier use of mining. i dont know if any other projects are out like this , but i bet i can add enough features to make it a great option once i have a lil more time to work on it.
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