I don't think it is as big a deal as it seems. The same laws apply to any donations: cars, boats, airplanes, apples, carrots... Pretty much anything that can be sold for fiat currency.
Yes, but so far there has never been legal recognition of bitcoin as being equivalent to "property" that has "value" that someone "can own." Given that Bitcoin's are really just a figment of the digital imagination of millions of GPUs and CPUs, it remains uncertain how they might be recognized in the legal system.
This is the first legal context that it has been recognized as property with value. It's not the biggest legal context there can be: exactly where it falls in the world of securitys, stocks, FOREX, etc, remains to be seen. But it's still a first step among many.
And the important part, is that it's first foray into a beaurocrat's lap has been positive: if it had been shot down for whatever reason, Bitcoin would start off at a disadvantage. We'd be fighting an uphill battle. So, this is a very positive thing, and enables others to jump on board because now there is a bit of precendence that they can leverage.