Broadcasting platform with rewarded content creation and visualization by the users.
There are many broadcast platforms, as for example Twitch, Mixer, Youtube ... all of this with the same problem, not being in the chain of blocks are subject to regulations, so to be part as a partner, the user must meet certain minimum requirements.
In our network and thanks to the Ethereum blockchain, there will be no such requirements, so that any user can be part from the beginning with just having a wallet Ethereum, and start earning from the first minute.
THE TOKENThis ERC20 token has been based on Ethereum blockchain, with the symbol TRD we has called TARDIS in commemoration of Doctor Who! (we are a little freaks).
At the beginningA total of 10,000,000 TRD has been created, that can be used in stickers, achievements purchases, or as a gift / donation for the different broadcasters of the service.
They may also be purchased or exchanged at any time inside the platform, as well as in the different future exchanges. EN: ES: regards,