All looks good - Red LED is on, green one is blinking - but it's not actually mining.
When I look at the Miner Status in the GUI it just says "This section contains no values yet" for all measurements.
A different thread suggested changing the settings for the pool, but don't see how I could do this.
I'm mining with Slush's pool.
Any ideas or advice gratefully received.
Wrong setting on network area.
Gateway, broadcats,dns
If the miner ip is
Gateway should be
Broadcasts should be
DNS should be
Then add second DNS
I know this thread is necro but I want to thank you for your advice. I just had the identical problem and yours was the perfect fix. Thanks also to OP for asking the question. The advice would hold for S3s also, so perhaps it is not too out of date after all.
Oh, I didn't use the second (Google) DNS suggestion - scared of the controversy, I guess, but to each his own.