Hello all! We're back again prepping another game before our launch. The game for this seeding event will be our original game Crash
As usual, we've generated a new chain of 10,000,000 SHA256 hashes where each hash is the hash of the hexadecimal representation of the previous hash. Being the last hash in the chain: 0c82faf447e3d8a006b1ec042208678c07d0c160dc548dd6b821ebea4765c8c4
const { createHmac } = require('crypto');
const divisible = (hash, mod) => {
// So ABCDEFGHIJ should be chunked like AB CDEF GHIJ
let val = 0;
let o = hash.length % 4;
for (let i = o > 0 ? o - 4 : 0; i < hash.length; i += 4) {
val = ((val << 16) + parseInt(hash.substring(i, i + 4), 16)) % mod;
return val === 0;
const calculateCrashPointFromHash = function (hash) {
// In 1 of 15 games the game crashes instantly.
if (divisible(hash, 15)) return 0;
// Use the most significant 52-bit from the hash to calculate the crash point
let h = parseInt(hash.slice(0, 52 / 4), 16);
let e = Math.pow(2, 52);
return (Math.floor((100 * e - h) / (e - h)) / 100).toFixed(2);
// these will be the 10M pre generated rolls to be used
const hashChain = ['random1', 'random2'];
const gameHash = hashChain.pop();
const blockHash = '';
const hash = createHmac('sha256', gameHash).update(blockHash).digest('hex');
const crashPoint = calculateCrashPointFromHash(hash);
console.log({ crashPoint });
We’re gonna be using a BlockHash that hasn’t been mined at the time of this post, we’re expecting to use Bitcoin block 841919 this to prove we have no influence over the outcome of the game. Please guys feel free to quote this post so this will be all set in stone.
Looking forward to show you guys Crash very soon!
My first time coming across your post on this board, and also the first time learning about Jonbet, I was actually going to say "welcome to the forum" but from your post count, I saw that you are not new here, so I decided to take a second to look at your post history, and I discovered that you've been all about Jonbet crash game seeding event for quite a long time from now, and I am really moved to ask a few questions, and they are..
1. How long does the seeding event last really? Because you've been posting about this for a while now, so it did be nice to know when exactly the seeding event ending and when exactly to expect the launch of the crash game.
2. Do you really have to create a new thread each time you need to share update on the Jonbet crash game seeding event to or with the community here? Don't you think it would have made more sense, and your posts on this subject more organized if everything patterning to this event is posted on one dedicated thread?
3. What is the website url of the casino, you seem not to mention it at all, or don't you think doing that is important?