Good luck to you regardless.
Absolutely agree - I never ment to come off as know-all be all - and I think you pointed that out. This was a Friendly introduction followed by Paranoia acting out of threat. No doubt I need to read more - no doubt I don't know it all. But my lack of specific knowledge isn't cause for paranoia lulz.
I disagree with the bank theory. As with gold mining - there are inherent risks. The more you work with people - the more you trust them. If you point a finger and call fraud and scam without any proof - that sir is unprofessional - would you trust someone working with you like that? Will you be next?
I understand the miner / pool relationship is co-operative, not oppressive or controlling. I would have hoped the other "Seasoned Admins" (ya know - like 1 year) would understand that relationship. I am a miner as well as a Pool Op.
I keep an open mind and keep thinks fluid as the Phreakz grow in size.
In Liberty,