I haven't posted my email anywhere and I'm very careful when I use it. Yet, I received login attempts in some exchanges.
I too sometimes receive those login attempts and everytime they are from different locations. But they can't seem to get pass the 2fA email verification.
I encountered a trick on the internet many months back in which you could check from where your email might have been leaked.
While registering your account on other sites, instead of using your email, say [email protected] you could use [email protected] if you are registering on bitcointalk. I think it works only for gmail and anything after '+' sign doesn't matter and you would still receive email to your inbox.
So whenever you receive such login attempts from hacked database or any spam mails you would know which site actually leaked your details.
Well, in this case, @OmegaStarScream is right. There's a conspiracy happening with some of these exchanges (Im not generalizing it) but there are some. Although I still didnt experienced log in attempts from other places, but I do recieved fake emails. I guess their primary target are those who has huge amount stored in the exchange or has a huge transaction history. Just like you guys. Be extra careful.