1DSsW... is an address, not a transaction ID.
Your transaction (ID: 1bcc3186ea93b67b3561bc464f6473c8440d66021d2f1a4b0800fefc0325aa93) is unconfirmed because you have chosen a fee of 48 sat/B.
This fee is way to low for the corrent status of the network with 180k+ unconfirmed transactions in the mempool (https://blockchain.info/unconfirmed-transactions).
https://bitcoinfees.earn.com/ suggests a fee of at least 300 sat/B to get your TX confirmed in an appropiate amount of time.
The best would be you go back to the Child board Bitcoin Technical Support (it seems you already found that) and read the sticky thread at the top named All about "stuck" transactions and what you can do to fix them (https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/all-about-stuck-transactions-and-what-you-can-do-to-fix-them-1802212).