You made some good points in your post.
It is important to mention that we as a community, and when I saw community I think of anybody that is an Investor in cryptocurrency, dont do enough to promote positive news, innovation and the technology and solution to problems that many projects bring.
The media and governments are very fast to let us know when Bitcoin has dropped 5 or 10% but they will not mention when Bitcoin is up by 10%. World banks and financial institutions will call cryptos a bubble or a scam but they will not mention that through blockchain it is now possible to send millions of $$ around the world within seconds or a couple of minutes and with minimum and insignificant fees compared with what the bankers take.
Why dont we broadcast this type of news more often? We all use social media, post it on facebook, twitter, share it to big media outlets, get the message out. Make youtube videos if you are good at that. There doesnt have to be a bounty involved for people to spread good things. Its in all of our interest that the market recovers and gains a new bull run.
People need to be made aware of the blockchain and the advantages and use cases it offers and they will not hear about that on the news. I think we all must do a much better job in promoting everything that is positive. When I finish this post I am posting the original article on facebook and twitter, and i will share it around. Tweet it to John McAfee (even if you maybe dont like him) he still has a huge amount of followers. Post it on social media sites of TV stations, news outlets, anything...
Unfortunately this is true. With automation and the use of machines and robots people will lose their jobs. Look at the car industry, robots are now assembling cars. We are looking into a future where autonomous vehicles will deliver packages, bring your food and groceries etc etc. The future jobs will be behind a computer controlling all those machines and programming them.