This is kind of absurd to be honest. There's no proof of existence of your script. You didn't even mention how much money you're going to be needing. Not sure how your script works because in BustaBit, you have to enter it on the little script box but, I did a quick search. And here's I found, You might wanna check that instead of asking for money here. You have 1BTC balance there to play with.
first of all, thanks, and here it is, my script for bustabit/csgocrash/other crash sites
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var baseBet = 85;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// I recommend not to edit the settings below. They were calculated to be the best options possible.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var skip1 = 2; // skip X games after second lost game.
var skip2 = 1; // skip X games after third lost game.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Code
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var bet = baseBet * 100;
var currentBet = bet;
var cashOut = 1.05;
var startBalance = engine.getBalance();
var currentBalance = startBalance;
var losses = 0;
var skip = 0;
var lostGames = 0;
var waitXgames = 0;
var CO = 0;
engine.on('game_starting', function(info) {
if (currentBet && engine.lastGamePlay() == 'LOST') {
currentBalance = engine.getBalance();
losses = startBalance - currentBalance;
currentBet *= 4;
cashOut = 1.25;
if (lostGames >= 3) {
waitXgames = 0;
if (lostGames == 3) {
skip = skip1;
if (lostGames == 4) {
skip = skip2;
if (lostGames == 5) {
skip = skip1;
if (lostGames == 6) {
skip = skip2;
if (lostGames == 7) {
skip = skip1;
if (lostGames >= 8) {
skip = skip2;
} else {
currentBalance = engine.getBalance();
if (currentBalance > startBalance) {
currentBet = bet;
cashOut = 1.05;
startBalance = engine.getBalance();
lostGames = 0;
skip = 0;
if (waitXgames >= skip) {
console.log('Placing bet of', Math.floor(currentBet / 100), 'at', Math.round(cashOut * 100) / 100, 'Cash out.');
engine.placeBet(Math.floor(currentBet / 100) * 100, Math.floor(cashOut * 100), false);
engine.on('game_crash', function(data) {
if (data.game_crash / 100 >= CO) {
} else {