Trying to help spread adoption through learning - site is new - trying to add a call center and pay some guys to take the time to teach people via phone as well - This tech for me represents freedom - and I will do everything I can to help spread it.
You have my sword.
-The blockchain is the brilliant technological innovation, and the source of Bitcoin's intrinsic value.
-Bitcoin is merely the first app developed on this new protocol layer (blockchain). Think of it like HTTP.
-The blockchain is the birth of Internet 2.0 and Money 3.0
-Will make you insanely wealthy, if you want.
-Will change the way human beings think about money forever
-Is a pandora's box that has been opened and can never be closed.
-Even if bitcoin were to die (spoiler: it won't), crypto would live on in some form. Fiat's days are numbered.
-Could very well be the beginning of the end of perpetual fiat-fueled nation-state war.
-Will make your corrupt, useless piece of shit government
and their artificially propped-up funny-money obsolete and worthless, in time.
-Represents the dawn of the true information age, the age of reason. As long as we don't have a nuclear apocalypse in the near future...
Read this: this: this: this: this: Satoshi's original whitepaper: this: (Bitcoin 101)
and this: (Why Bitcoin's growth is normal)
and this: (Andreas Antonopoulus at Maker Fair in Detroit)
and this: (Bitcoin the Organism with Jeff Garzik)
and this: (Bitcoin vs Political power with Stefan Molyneux)