Do we really need to have special wallets for gamers, musicians, divers, gravediggers, construction workers and all other professions?
According to Coinmarketcap, cryptocurrency gaming has a 7 billion market cap and 600 million dollars daily volume. This is a big market to build something for. If musicians, drivers or gravediggers have such a market cap, I will consider building something for them.
Well, there are already a few multi chain support wallets, the most popular ones being trust wallet (closed source) and Unstoppable Wallet (open source).
I am well aware of both TrustWallet & Unstoppable Wallet. Last time I checked Unstoppable Wallet, it was a small project and did not have enough support for different blockchains. But it looks like they have improved a lot. I will look into Unstoppable Wallet. I am planning to make the wallet OpenSource or maybe source available.
Don't understand when you mean when you say that you want to unify all those into the single wallet, perhaps develop a wallet integrating features of all the wallets?
All those different wallets were developed by the developer of the games. Almost all of them a standard cryptocurrency wallets. For end-users to go back and forth between different wallets is a hassle. Having all those NFTs, and cryptocurrencies in a single place is a great shortcut.
Haha, this will be a new narrative in the market to develop clone wallets, and name different use cases for them and earn money.
We don't have different bank accounts for different professions.
We have different banks for different industries. For example, there are credit unions that will act as banks for the agriculture industry. There are central banks responsible for monetary policies. Investment banks for institutional investors. I personally work with 3 different banks and have 6 different bank accounts. They all do almost the same thing but they have their own specialty.
There's no problem developing a wallet for gamers as long as the wallet is open-source and proven safe by other trusted developers.
I am planning to make the wallet code open-source.
I appreciate all of your comments on the matter. I am reading them all and taking notes.