So heres my situation. I had purchased some bitcoins on MTGOX. I then transfered them to my online wallet at That went flawlessly and I had my coins into the wallet within about 45 minutes give or take.
Now here is the issue. Once I received the coins into that wallet I again went to transfer them to another safer wallet. When I did this I forgot to add a fee. Now I hit the send money transfer at about 2:00PM or so this afternoon. This transaction is still unconfirmed. How long will it take to get confirmations? I have never ever had a transfer take this long. I am trying to spend my coin before a certain sale is over. I am just basically asking is there anyway that I can cancel the transaction and add a small fee? I mean I have a little extra coin the could be added to have miners process it faster.
Can anyone please give me any advice at all? I know in the future to basically make sure that I add a reward/fee so my transactions are processed.
Thanks man