Currently am following @Needmoney, @Wapinter, @Arteezy.rtx, @AmaZix Team
Recommended Bounty Managers (BM) in Bitcointalk for Newbies (Order does not mean anything):
Popular BM
Team AmaZix
@mashack (TBC)
NOT Recommended Bounty Managers (BM) in Bitcointalk for Newbies (Order does not mean anything):
Popular BM
@ColorlessK - bountyhive doesnt have spreadsheet less transparency means more shady business
@needmoney has been corrupted as far as i researched most of the people are complaining about small/incomplete stakes
@TOKENSUITE TEAM - not recommended,because these people are accepting scam ICOs for their own benefit,they might be part of these shady business.
@irfan_pak10 - too lazy to update the spreadsheet
@Lauda - if you want some red trust join,as far as i know most of the people hate this person.
@woshib - f*cker has been cancelled all the campaigns which has good chance of getting hardcap probably he wanted the stakes for himself.
P/S: Credits from contributors of previous thread :