i Just want to start using wallet on my android how to save my Btc when lost my phone ??
(Not need google results Need real experiences )
I use on my phone Mycelium. But I use it only to monitor some wallets, so I can't give 100% steps, only advises on what you should try yourself.
And whatever people tell, you should test it first for yourself anyway.
As you maybe know, in Bitcoin world all that matters is the wallet's private key or keys. HD wallets have a seed based on what they can generate private keys "by a rule", but the principle is the same.
So you need the private keys or the seed to be kept safe. If your phone gets stolen, you'll have to move fast, restore the wallet(s) on another machine from seed/private keys and move out your coins before the thief will do that.
So I said I have Mycellium. This one allows you to backup your data. You can test yourself doing a backup, erase Mycellium data from your phone, uninstall it, then install and restore from backup. See if the wallet address remains unchanged. I really think that they know what they do and you can safely use Mycellium. Make sure that you keep the backup data in a really safe place.
Another option is hardware wallet. If you have a bigger amount of Bitcoin you should consider this option, it's the safest.