My PC does this:
CPU Intel Core i5 4440 CPU @ 3.10GHz
99.000 H/s CryptoNight
0.19 EUR/day
Now...on the website of NiceHash I can see that there are other algorithms with more value. At least, that's how I read it, don't know if its true but this:
NeoScrypt currently paying: 1.8874 *
CryptoNight currently paying: 1.3426 *
Now, if how I read it is true...shouldn't I do NeoScrypt more then CryptoNight? Or am I totally mistaken? If I'm not, how can I change? And seeing my stats, is there an better option for mining? Different program? Different thing with better value? Forgive my noobness, I am willing to learn
you want to do some real mining, get a dedicated mining rig instead of using your home PC which is crap. furthermore you need to do your own research instead of coming here like some hand pecked self entitled noob that's too lazy to research stuff on there own and wants information handed to them on a silver platter. there already enough noob that post the same kinda questions ALL the danm time, take the time do your do diligence and research