
Topic: Newbie with 3 Avalon Need your Help (Read 119 times)

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January 06, 2025, 12:23:19 AM
Dear Legendary,

Thank you for your help and support.

I will do what you propose me to do.

I will update when it's done.

Happy Day Smiley
Activity: 3514
Merit: 3253
Happy New year 🤗
January 05, 2025, 06:03:48 PM
I've noticed a few things from your logs main to these two logs, ECHU and ECMM. If it shows 1, there's a problem on the control board, and ECHU tells you 513 is an abnormal state.
DH shows you 49.868% that is an average error rate that leads to the unit to reboot according to SoftOFF log.

Here are the logs that I have noticed.
MH[8 5]
ECHU[513 513]

For solution, I would like you to try first to disassemble the unit and clean all the dust and rust from your hashboard terminal. You can use sandpaper on the metal terminal and use isopropyl alcohol with a brush to clean the other parts.

After that, assemble the unit and setup the unit again, and then access the unit dashboard and go to pool configuration. At the bottom, you can find the work mode and set it to normal mode, or if there's an option to choose low power mode, then choose that option and try to run it again and test.
Activity: 4382
Merit: 9330
'The right to privacy matters'
January 05, 2025, 03:09:26 PM
Well you fucked up as "never flash working gear without a plan of what to do if it breaks."

You now have 2 good units and one bad unit.

You could open the bad unit pull the controller open on good unit and switch the good into the bad and the bad into the good.

This could

 a) fix everything
 b) break both units
 c) simply move the problem

If the bad one now works and the good one stopped working you know the issue is the controller.

But as I said maybe both units die.

See what I mean about not having a plan when you flashed.

You could settle on I got 2 good ones.

Take the bad one and go on ebay buy a spare controller and hope.

but looking at what I see maybe the psu is old and dies off.

just a coincidence that you flashed and broke a unit.

If I had your 3 pieces I would pull the psu from one good machine and put it on the bad machine.

If it keeps running for a day then the issue is you have a weak psu and the flash was nothing but a red herring.

Have fun trouble shooting.

But I would try the psu first.
Activity: 2478
Merit: 6693
be constructive or S.T.F.U
January 05, 2025, 02:32:35 PM
Any reason why you had to mess with a working device? Anyway, I see nothing wrong in the logs you posted, your best option would be to try and find that old firmware and flash it back, I don't this model has an Sdcard way of flashing an older firmware, but there has to be a way, I think might help you find an older version firmware file, not so many people around here own Avalons.
Activity: -
Merit: -
January 05, 2025, 01:24:05 AM
Hello everyone,

Let me introduce myself, I'm a newbie.
But I know how to do the minimum of what I need in mining.

My configuration is 3x Avalon 1047 with the latest Firmware released by the site (A1047-A1026_20060801_2da56f2_5bd367f) and flashed by FMS 3.1.

The problem is that since I flashed one of the Avalons, it has gone completely crazy.

After 10min sometimes 1h, sometimes 5h, the TH/S speed slowly decreases to reach 0 TH/s in 10min, then the red light comes on at the back of the Avalon.

Troubleshooting attempt :

- Reboot
- Reset
- Restore Factory system
- Test Indoor, outdoor

Log of the machine in question :

{'STATUS':[{'STATUS':'S','When':0,'Code':11,'Msg':'Summary','Description':'cgminer 4.11.1'}],'SUMMARY':[{'Elapsed':3266,'MHS av':4128698.19,'MHS 30s':0.00,'MHS 1m':0.00,'MHS 5m':5313.25,'MHS 15m':595478.52,'Found Blocks':0,'Getworks':253,'Accepted':135,'Rejected':0,'Hardware Errors':13,'Utility':2.48,'Discarded':81720004,'Stale':0,'Get Failures':0,'Local Work':6140,'Remote Failures':0,'Network Blocks':6,'Total MH':13480011861.0000,'Work Utility':57659.59,'Difficulty Accepted':2936832.00000000,'Difficulty Rejected':0.00000000,'Difficulty Stale':0.00000000,'Best Share':9302706,'Device Hardware%':0.0004,'Device Rejected%':0.0000,'Pool Rejected%':0.0000,'Pool Stale%':0.0000,'Last getwork':0}
{'STATUS':[{'STATUS':'S','When':0,'Code':70,'Msg':'CGMiner stats','Description':'cgminer 4.11.1'}],'STATS':[{'STATS':0,'ID':'AVA100','Elapsed':3266,'Calls':0,'Wait':0.000000,'Max':0.000000,'Min':99999999.000000,'MM ID0':'Ver[1047-20060801_2da56f2_5bd367f] DNA[0201000049242d35] MEMFREE[1875848.0] NETFAIL[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] SYSTEMSTATU[Work: In Idle, Hash Board: 2 ] Elapsed[3277] BOOTBY[0x01.00000000] LW[240398] MH[8 5] HW[13] DH[49.868%] Temp[22] TMax[71] TAvg[63] Fan1[4059] Fan2[4048] FanR[67%] Vo[0] PS[0 0 0 0 0 0] PLL0[0 0 0 0] PLL1[0 0 0 0] GHSspd[0.00] DHspd[0.000%] GHSmm[34669.48] GHSavg[4113.51] WU[57465.11] Freq[612.10] Led[0] MGHS[1905.77 2207.74] MTmax[71 70] MTavg[63 62] TA[240] PING[49] SoftOFF[1] ECHU[513 513] ECMM[1] SF0[612 637 662 687] SF1[612 637 662 687] PVT_T0[ 65 68 64 64 64 66 67 62 65 65 61 67 65 63 64 65 66 60 65 64 67 64 64 65 66 63 62 64 65 64 63 61 65 65 64 63 62 60 63 62 62 62 60 61 65 61 61 61 61 59 65 57 60 61 60 58 57 56 58 55 58 60 60 62 64 62 62 64 67 63 66 65 61 65 63 61 68 62 64 67 62 66 63 64 63 67 65 64 66 63 64 66 65 65 67 64 65 68 66 67 68 64 64 68 68 67 67 64 64 66 67 64 68 64 64 69 68 71 66 63] PVT_T1[ 65 62 66 64 63 62 64 62 62 61 62 66 65 62 61 60 61 63 66 64 61 62 63 64 61 63 63 62 62 62 64 62 65 64 61 65 64 61 61 61 64 63 63 60 58 57 59 62 62 61 61 57 58 59 61 57 57 57 58 56 57 60 59 61 62 63 59 62 60 62 64 64 65 63 62 62 65 62 66 69 64 63 66 64 63 68 65 66 69 64 62 69 67 66 68 62 66 69 64 64 66 64 63 65 63 63 66 63 63 67 66 64 70 66 63 68 62 63 65 64] PVT_V0[290 292 295 275 277 275 275 276 274 291 291 290 276 278 278 292 291 293 281 282 281 279 278 278 282 281 281 279 280 279 288 288 287 287 287 288 293 293 291 284 285 286 293 295 294 299 298 300 301 301 300 303 301 301 309 308 308 304 304 306 301 298 296 289 288 288 300 298 295 294 293 289 288 285 285 289 288 288 288 284 287 278 281 276 283 278 278 271 273 272 269 268 268 286 284 283 283 284 285 292 294 295 278 281 284 285 285 291 278 279 277 274 271 272 269 268 268 265 268 268] PVT_V1[272 276 277 287 287 289 282 283 285 283 285 285 291 290 290 278 277 277 273 274 275 294 296 296 300 300 303 281 282 282 284 284 283 279 280 278 287 287 288 307 307 308 302 303 303 284 283 282 299 298 297 299 298 298 307 308 308 313 315 318 292 289 288 279 280 281 280 279 281 271 273 273 263 264 265 273 275 276 282 282 285 270 270 270 294 294 293 279 279 279 270 268 269 275 276 279 263 262 262 279 277 274 273 272 271 290 289 288 284 283 283 300 300 300 269 268 269 281 283 282] MW[120199 120199] MW0[12 14 12 8 12 13 7 14 10 7 12 19 9 9 7 11 10 11 14 6 10 9 4 12 6 14 5 10 10 11 16 4 11 10 14 13 8 10 14 9 7 11 7 16 10 20 14 12 8 15 29 31 18 33 27 25 43 22 17 21 20 13 14 10 9 14 14 24 21 12 12 12 9 5 10 10 16 6 4 7 10 10 6 7 4 9 4 9 8 11 12 9 9 9 6 15 7 6 2 12 19 23 11 9 7 11 10 11 8 14 5 8 17 12 7 4 9 10 6 9] MW1[7 6 8 11 22 9 13 12 9 7 10 12 14 13 9 6 12 6 10 11 5 15 15 27 18 29 29 13 11 11 8 11 9 12 10 6 17 16 17 23 23 37 22 18 30 10 5 15 25 25 21 25 33 22 34 27 27 30 37 29 11 8 16 8 8 5 10 10 17 12 8 7 8 9 4 10 5 12 4 6 4 13 11 13 14 22 17 13 8 9 10 12 11 11 10 10 11 9 14 13 5 8 9 12 16 8 11 10 15 9 11 20 40 11 6 8 7 7 8 7] CRC[0 1] POW_I2C[FAILED] FACOPTS0[] FACOPTS1[] ATAOPTS0[] ATAOPTS1[] ADJ[1] MPO[2220] MVL[71] ATABD0[0 0 0 0] ATABD1[0 0 0 0] WORKMODE[1]','MM Count':1,'Smart Speed':1,'Voltage Level Offset':0,'Nonce Mask':25}

Thank you a lot for your help and all the best for everybody and i'm happy that you exist.

In hope that you will give a little help  Grin

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