The Top ranked member you see today once was a newbie ,they became what they are becasue they never give up ,they saw the need to put in more effort and more work not spamming their way up or shortcut ,it takes a whole process and stages.
Sometimes it feel like giving up ,my suggestion is take some few days off to calm then come back, when all effort seems waste ,take some time off and come back better.
Along the way you will be faced with alot of challenges, criticism, disagreement remember no man is an island,everyone has an opinion ,keep your head up and keep doing what you know how to do best ,put in your best.The sky is wide enough, somedat your effort will be rewarded.
You also will tell the story someday, How you started and become role models to some people.
Do you remember posting your application in one of Ratimov's help threads? It seems counterintuitive as you expressed in this thread because you are actually getting impatient and ignoring the rules.
Amounts of merits : 13
Profile link:
This merit will help me grow and see reason to doing better ,it will also help me to stand a chance for more promotions in rank status from jr member to member positions.
Which ever way the merits comes either from post and or give away is welcomed by me in as much as am not spamming my way up ,i earn them genuinely.
If you don't notice, try reading other users' posts under your app.