Well you done it.. pat yourselves on the back guys !
You are a hair away from posting 20,000 ANN topics.I never thought I'd see the day when we hit 10,000.. not any time soon anyway.
Little did i realize that the pace would pick up to obscene and ridiculous levels.
So yeah, congrats.. you all make me sick.
You put on a clinic of greedy stupidity flaunting a vulgar display of idiocy.
Seriously it's time for high fives investards.. it's party time in crypto-land almost.
When do you all realize this shit it is fucked up scammy and retarded ?
I have seen users here post topics and replies saying "The more the better"
I even seen Coindesk post a news story claiming "We need all the coins we can get" during the SCRYPT cloning days.
What's to say ?
Wait ! ..i know
How much ROI's can i makes of teh profits coinz ?
Is teh ethereumz teh futurez ?
Caen i haz Ripple moneyxz now ?
I really hope each and every single one of you learn a valuable life lesson here.