if you got your wish you'd have no one left to read your rants
I swear to god you are all trolling me.. playing dumb or something.
Of course I'm trolling you, what the fuck do you honestly expect? You can't fight human nature, if there is an opportunity for greed people will take and that is not going change any time soon, so better to just accept it and move on. Do you expect people to leave just because you say so? All you are doing is whining, your constant diatribes really accomplish nothing, and you can do nothing. Just move on before you give yourself an ulcer obsessing over this.
I have accepted it and "
moved on".
But i am within my right to gloat and say i told you so and make you all look like complete assholes.
Do you have any fucking idea how many people posted your comment here BEFORE you ?
(you probably do because i bet you said it to me before with another account here)
Do i expect people to change ? NO.
I am requesting they do because it's in their own best interest.
I am leading by example and showing you all
..there is more !What you (
The majority in control) are all effectively doing is taking the easy and stupid way out for chump change ..quickly.
Because if you did the right thing and waited you would
GET far more.
See how there is a message and a reoccurring theme here kidiot investards ?
I am teaching you lippy little morons how to make LARGE money.. not beating off to chump change like idiots.
Lieks omg derpty fuckkin' derp i madez teh 2 BTC"s on Pscal coinz pump i aam's big trader winnarzx n0w !!111oneNo.. your an idiot.
We don't need to ban anything either.
We can simply point and laugh at the loser idiots.. who *think* they are smart.
A key part of it all is a lack of intelligence.
I am not saying that because i am trying to be mean.
90% of you don't know how to trade.. you show up here like morons and then ask how do i get rich with Altcoins ?
..pumpAnd i am not even kidding that is one of the obligatory idiot noob topics that gets posted here (like many others)
You don't know how to trade.Most of you have an empty toolkit as you wander around playing Repair-Man.
It *IS* possible to make money from legit coins.. i know i made 12k out of thin air doing it to prove a point.
And unlike all of you i didn't show up here by withdrawing money from a real bank and sending it to a crypto site to make ROI'z.
A good trader can rubber 2 pennies together and build a fortune.
It will require time, persistence and skill.. but it
CAN be done..
by almost anyone !You all don't do that because you are losers.
You have no patience and you have no skill.
Derpty derp i gotz here n0w so... where mah pump at bruh ?Did i mention yet YOU the majority are fucking idiots ?
I hope that sinks in..
I hope you see how much of a pathetic douche you are all being and effectively acting like whale food in a rigged game where YOU KNOW you will lose eventually if you keep playing.
I am taunting you inept Investards and laughing at you and pointing out how i am better than you.
..not me. scroll up for a quoted example Right now i could make more than most of you morons with both my hands tied behind my back.
And i am not smart nor i am i rich nor do i have any previous trading experience.
You see i would do it buy "investing" as you idiots call it in things that are LEGIT.
And i would *STILL* make more than you foolish profiteers.
Lets have a contest shall we ?
Lets all start with 0 cents and lets see who makes more..
You the scam coin lovin' ICO supporters or me.
I'd fuckin' PWN your stupid retard noob ass's.
And.. i'd get to do it with a smug cocky elitist attitude oozing with integrity.
..something you losers can't buy with BTC.Whining ?
Get triggered more bitches.. top shelf bitch..
If all you hear is a whining rant then you need to work on your English comprehension skills.
Because there is a reoccurring theme here that apparently warrants repeating non stop for years on end.
Let me guess.. you missed it because of my "
tone" ?
Yup it's hard to read because i am using "
Sans Angry" Font.
Bottom Line:The majority in control *CAN* be converted or Booted out.
If we legit users can 51% attack the douche bags we can turn this ship around and get on track and make real money and have real support and real accomplishments.