Who says i want to live in it ?
I am an
I never asked to be born and was thrust on all this crap we call life.
I also don't see much point in living either.. just a bunch of dinners, poops & naps LOL
But there is no way i am suicidal i don't have the guts for that
You are not going to get any argument from me.. Life sucks ass big time !
..make the best of it i guess right ?- More on topic:
We will have the planet engulfed by the sun eventually one day.
So in reality we have 0 choice to stay on Earth or will be extinct.
But i have a hunch we will be long gone far before that ever happens.
..and sooner than you all think.
We are literally a race of retards.
We have a priorities so far out-of-wack we are doomed to die and fast !
The biggest threat looming is a Meteor or Comet..
Yet we as a society across the globe with around 7 Billion people combined..
If 100 people are working on the issue what percentage is that vs 7 billion ?
I call that pure raw stupidity on a grandiose scale.
We will get pounded and it's not far off either.
So far i have seen Scientists continually have to revise their past doomsday records.
We *used* to hear all the time bad things happen like every few million years.
But they have no choice anymore the science is mounting and they are having to face facts..
These catastrophic events happen ALL THE TIME !
Need an example ?
Science proved a "Myth" from the middle ages.. about the Sun vanishing for a year.
We had always thought it was simply bullshit fairy tales.. NOPE !
Some guys went and mounted a campaign to find proof and they found it.
They found Tree-Ring data across the globe to back up the Myth.
It was now indisputable.. and they estimated the SUN was effectively gone for 1.5 years.
The key point i am making is.. WHEN !
500 years ago roughly.
..a far cry from the Millions of years they always tell us that these kinds of things happen LOL
And what happened ?
It slaughtered a massive percentage of Earth's population that is what !
Millions & Millions of people died !
And we are smart ?
How many of you 7 billion people knew that ?
5 people ? 6 people ? ROFL
..oh yeah ..you smart
The reality is if we find out a comet or meteor is coming there will be nothing we can do realistically.
Nor will we even have the time to do it..
The detection abilities we have are not able to give us much of a warning in advance.
I believe it is around 6 months to a maximum of a year at best !
And the scientists who do drills for this scenario made up of Earth top people
all say we would not even be able to come to a consensus on what to do.. who decides ?
The choices are limited and who pays for the Super nuke etc we have to build and send off in 6 months notice ?
And can it be built in 6 months ? *maybe* ..a BIG maybe !
They will tell you themselves we are virtually powerless and there is no FUNDING to work on it !
I seen a proposal for a system to *help* the issue by a past astronaut
and he was struggling to get any support financially for it at all..
Then go look in the Altcoin section.. plenty of support for ICO schemes.