lol, the chunks are discrete in order to aid our feeble brains in comprehending the perception of time, not the time itself. The chunks only exists in your linear human brain. No one was stating that the laws of quantum and/or temporal physics are in or can be represented by discrete units of chunks! RELATIVE TO HUMAN LINEAR UNDERSTANDING/PERCEPTION OF SPACE-TIME, IT IS POSSIBLE TO DIVIDE OR PERCEPTION OF TIME INTO DISCRETE CHUNKS! JESUS TAP DANCING CHRIST THIS IS AN IMPORTANT TOPIC AND WE SHOULD HAVE A 40 PAGE ARGUMENT ABOUT IT!
Besides, where will I find this so-called local quantum physicist?
If the smallest possible unit of distance is the
and the fastest possible speed is the
than there is a smallest discernible time unit implying time is discrete. However getting a quantum physicist to accept the two axioms proposed would be the challenging part.
Not completely sure it's that simple. Not a physicist myself, but from a half laymanic/half formal class on the current physical understanding of time I got the message that at least in many subfields of physics the question discrete or not would be avoided, since time is not taken to be one of the fundamental properties of their models. I am highly correctable on this one though