We're primarily looking for people who have contributed to NFC & Bitcoin based projects, general Javascript and other ninjas are also welcome.
Inlay numbers are limited so get in touch as soon as you can, email [email protected] with a link to your profile and we will add you to our review panel, we will send inlays out to those with contributions that are most relevant to the NFC Ring and also number of contributions to projects that we believe have had a positive social impact on humanity.
It's important to all backers that we give developers early access to contribute to the NFC ring software, without developer contributions the NFC Ring will only have the limited functionality it has right now, given developers contributions the NFC Ring can become anything you want it to be.
We're mostly looking for help working on our Bitcoin payment app. The app leverages multiple payment platforms as not to tie a user down to a specific vendor and is open-source. Here is our video proposal for how a ring will be used to make payments to merchants.
If you are eager to get started you can visit our Github profile and start contributing to conversations on the NFC Ring forum.
Developers and open-source advocates email [email protected] to apply for your free NFC Inlays now(Note: you must be a project backer)!
Did they get in touch with you? we still honored their BTC funding.