I want to use nicehash and nicehash none software work with my computer i have cpu and its intel core 2 duo i have 4gb ram.
I got success to use nicehash with xmrig using cryptonight but config is not correct for SHA256 and other ALGO.
Can anyone tell me what i must enter in this config file in xmrig to use algo: SHA256
"algo": "cryptonight", // cryptonight (default) or cryptonight-lite
"av": 0, // algorithm variation, 0 auto select
"background": false, // true to run the miner in the background
"colors": true, // false to disable colored output
"cpu-affinity": null, // set process affinity to CPU core(s), mask "0x3" for cores 0 and 1
"cpu-priority": 5, // set process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)
"donate-level": 1, // donate level, mininum 1%
"log-file": null, // log all output to a file, example: "c:/some/path/xmrig.log"
"max-cpu-usage": 75, // maximum CPU usage for automatic mode, usually limiting factor is CPU cache not this option.
"print-time": 60, // print hashrate report every N seconds
"retries": 5, // number of times to retry before switch to backup server
"retry-pause": 5, // time to pause between retries
"safe": false, // true to safe adjust threads and av settings for current CPU
"threads": null, // number of miner threads
"pools": [
"url": "stratum+tcp://sha256.in.nicehash.com:3334", // URL of mining server
"user": "username", // username for mining server
"pass": "x", // password for mining server
"keepalive": true, // send keepalived for prevent timeout (need pool support)
"nicehash": true // enable nicehash/xmrig-proxy support
"api": {
"port": 0, // port for the miner API https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig/wiki/API
"access-token": null, // access token for API
"worker-id": null // custom worker-id for API