Ninja challenge (Creative/YouTube) BTC (50 USD)
Please note, we are not buying this service, we are helping service buyers to find service providers. I. e. we provide a creative service related to screenwriting.
Can you do this for BTC (50 USD)?
#Pretend you are a ninja in your living room and post a YouTube video about it
#Dress up in black
#Try to create a mysterious ambience, perhaps by lighting candles in the corner and playing some background cicada noises on the stereo
#Now, pretend the floor is full of venomous snakes that you have to avoid
#Pretend that you are on a journey to meet a sacred gorilla and talk a little bit about the importance of being able to meet the gorilla
#Finally, pop some popcorn and eat them
If you know someone who can do this for BTC (50 USD), refer them to this thread.
Buyers: If you want to see this happen, post here saying so. We need a service provider before we can sell the service but once we have leads it is easier to find service providers.
If you appreciate this service you can tip here:
bitcoin:1LM5DKnWDh1qbHgpNV4bQetSBET398rsc8 You can also use the address for escrow if interested