- Loyalty Points are not transferable.
Sorry to be a naysayer, but selling Loyalty Points to other users is against our terms.
If you're interested in selling your Loyalty Points to us below expected value at current difficulty and BTCUSD rate (less than 28%), send us a PM though, we might be able to work something out.
would I be allowed to merely give them the credentials, let them mine, then pass on the earnings?
Just hypothetical.....don't want to step on any toes......
For legal reasons, we can't let anyone transfer them. If we knowingly allow people to transfer, it could cause our entire loyalty point system to become classified as open loop prepaid access, which would require us to jump through a ton of legal hoops and make us need to follow a bunch of regulations. We would likely need to AML every single miner, which we do not want to do.
Sorry to disappoint you, but we just can't allow transfers.
No worries! Thanks for the clarification, you guys are awesome.